RECAP: Lansing FGC Weekly Meet Up #1 in Lansing, MI


The first Lansing Fighting Game Club (FGC) Meet Up happened at La Base Secreta in Lansing, MI on December 17, 2019.

They held a Tekken 7 double elimination tournament with 12 entrants, the winner was Rolland a.k.a. Drip Duck Mollitor. Everyone appreciated the space and had fun, and they were glad to have a change of pace from the bigger gaming/eSports events.

The Lansing FGC was founded by Lansing residents Eric McClain and Alex Malone after seeing a need for a consistent place for gamers in the area. They note the stigma growing up in Lansing is that there is nothing to do in the city, and if you want to be successful you need to move away.

McClain and Malone chose not to believe that and pushed to build a community where players work together to grow, hone their skill, and build confidence.

The Lansing FGC meets weekly on Tuesday nights. | THIS

[ Written by Grand Kai | Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]