REVIEW: ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’


All stories have an ending. In the case of a saga like [Star Wars], it’s finally here – ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’.

“A long time ago in a galaxy far away…” That opening [phrase] ushered in a cultural phenomenon in the summer of 1977 with the [original] Star Wars film.

Eight films later, all released over a period of 40+ years, the saga concludes with the threat of the [assumed dead] Emperor Palpatine once again taking over the galaxy. New protagonists Rey, Finn and Poe Dameron along with Luke and Leia Skywalker have banded together, all rising up to put an end to the galactic tyranny once and for all.

With a lot of loose ends to tie up over the 9 movies, ‘Rise of Skywalker’ gets off to a fast start and doesn’t let up until the conclusion.

The fast pace, however, hinders the overall story. As soon as new twists and revelations are uncovered it’s off to the next one, leaving viewers scrambling to keep up.

This movie, for the most part, succeeds at its tough job of tying everything together. However, I can see this move being as divisive as ‘The Last Jedi’ because it’s bound to not please everyone as recent reviews suggest.

Overall, I feel that fans from day one of the Star Wars saga will be pleased with this conclusion.


[Written by Leland Wyrick]