REVIEW: ‘The Rhythm Section’


“Overly formulaic devices and tired tropes permeate through this film and threaten to derail the otherwise great performance from Blake Lively in her new film thriller ‘The Rhythm Section’.”

The film stars actress Blake Lively as Stephanie Patrick whose family was killed in a plane crash. After wallowing in self-pity and living a life of self-destruction, she learns that the crash was the result of a terrorist plot and not an accident. This realization sets her off on a path of revenge to kill those responsible, but how far will she go?

‘The Rhythm Section’ starts off by showing Stephanie’s slow transformation from someone with nothing to live for into someone consumed with revenge. It’s this part of the story that’s great to watch for some yet may be too slow and plodding for others.

The action sequences are pretty good when they occur, and this movie suffers when the focus is more on character development than the action. This is more-so because of the poor story itself, not the performance of Lively; it’s this reason that I felt the ‘The Rhythm Section’ was just okay and not what it could have been.


[Written by Leland Wyrick | Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]