REVIEW: ‘The Virus’ by Miz Korona


If you’ve ever complained about the outbreak of lackluster hip-hop releases that plagues the genre (and to that we say stop complaining and broaden your search, there’s plenty of great hip-hop music), Detroit legend Miz Korona issued a proven vaccine with her current release ‘The Virus’.

On the super-hard title track she rhymes, “No mask or gloves can stop this contagion; you’re in close range, then, you’re contagious / no Ron Isley, no Matt Damon, no Gwen Paltrow just floral arrangements”. To compare this to the Boneyard match, Korona is The Undertaker and all lesser rhymers are AJ Styles and his crew. This is a beatdown.

Her first project in several years, Korona drew inspiration from the unfortunate pandemic that’s ravaged her city. From this she’s created incredible conceptual art that’s timely, gritty, and ripe for speakers, high-end headphones, and ears ready for lyrics that surround sound.

You’ll find yourself, as we did, circling back to previous lines as Miz Korona stirs tracks like Theraflu. There are active ingredients all throughout “45”, “No Mask”, “Quarantine”, and the extra-slapping Mark Cooper-produced “Give Up” featuring Marv Won and King Gordy.

You’re well-come. |THIS.