REVIEW: ‘Underwater’


Deep below the bottom of the ocean lies something never seen before and it’s not good for those who find it. It’s the movie ‘Underwater’. Let’s talk about it!

Kristen Stewart stars as Norah Price, a mechanical engineer for Tian Industries whose underwater drilling of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean creates danger.

The underwater station that she and a crew work within suffers a damaging breach from the water pressure.

While trying to survive they cross paths with an aquatic creature that picks them off one by one.

‘Underwater’ was a late release for 20th Century Fox studios, so I went in with lowered expectations. In some ways it didn’t disappoint. However, it turned out to be a decent horror survival film that would have been much better if its similarities to the movie ‘Alien’ weren’t obvious.

That aside, the atmosphere, visuals and creature effects were pretty good.

If there’s a sequel with a more original premise, I wouldn’t mind coming back to this world.


[Written by Leland Wyrick | Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]