Negativity and selfishness gets great publicity in our social networking, indirect-contact society. You’d be led to believe the world’s running low on good people and that no one cares for or respects one another anymore. Their only concerns are themselves; and when they’re in need, no one is willing to lend them a hand without reward.

This is not the case. Kind, caring, selflessly-generous people still exist. Erik Stephen is a shining example.

A Hip Hop artist of exceptional talent and purpose, Stephen rhymes to uplift the lives and spirits of his fans. Formally known as King MC, “the Christian 2Pac” has scored with songs “Trouble”, “Shut Up the Devil” and “I Kill Giants”. Each of Stephen’s albums – Shut Up the Devil, Nightwing, E=King MC Squared, Offensive, The Diary of Erik Hand, Secret Identity, Not Your Rapper’s Rapper, Multi-Verse Vol. 1, Multi-Verse Vol. 2, and Kingdom – are built on personal testimony and pop-culture wordplay.

A native of Phoenix, AZ, Stephen is also a traveling missionary. When not home spending time with family and recording, he’s on the road 7 to 8 months out of the year performing live and delivering soul-winning messages across the country and beyond.

While good at what he does, he’s also a good person and one who believes in helping others.

I asked Erik Stephen to tell me about a time when he did something nice for someone that he didn’t know. Here’s what he shared.

“During my sets I usually perform a song about bullying.

This one time we were doing a show in Minnesota, when I got to the part about bullying this little girl at that show told me about how she was bullied every single day.

So, I just stopped the show and talked to her for a little while.

I let he know she’s created in God’s image and that he loves her very much. She’d never heard that before, and I was just able to share that with her.

I felt like it was the right thing to do. She needed to hear that at that moment.

The rest of the night she just danced her heart out! It was awesome. |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]

Our Shining Example column features a remarkable person sharing an inspiring personal story about an act of kindness.

“We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving.” – ‘We Are the World’