Shining Example #40 featuring Amy Millar [A Column about Acts of Kindness]


Negativity and selfishness gets great publicity in our social networking, indirect-contact society. You’d be led to believe the world’s running low on good people and that no one cares for or respects one another anymore. Their only concerns are themselves; and when they’re in need, no one is willing to lend them a hand without reward.

This is not the case. Kind, caring, selflessly-generous people still exist. Amy Millar is a shining example.

An advocate for health, wellness and movement, the Los Angeles resident is wholeheartedly dedicated to improving the wellbeing of all living things. A vegan nutrition consultant, trainer, yoga instructor, and energetic healer, Millar’s clients quickly learn that her mind and caring heart are as toned as her body.

A recipient of the Master Reiki Healing certificate and a graduate of The Metabolic Mastery Intensive, Millar’s celebrated health outreach earned her features on The Vegan Body Revolution Show, a guest chef spot on “Lunch Break Live with Jane Unchained” and a prominent interview by While good at what she does, she’s also a good person and one who believes in helping others.

I asked Amy Millar to tell me about a time when she did something nice for someone she didn’t know. Here’s what she shared.

“When you feel the suffering of others so deeply that it causes you pain, avoid the desire to move away and instead move closer to your fellow being who suffers.

Through compassion, empathy and love we can each make profound shifts in each other’s lives. 

One special memory that comes to mind with regards to doing something kind for a stranger was in the heart of Black Rock City, Nevada otherwise known as Burning Man. I was walking through centre camp in the early morning and there were many people frolicking in this busy hub.

I noticed a woman around my age sauntering towards me slowly and noticeably upset. She was in tears and overcome, I am still unsure if she was crying because she was sad or overjoyed with happiness. Either way, I felt called to approach her.  

I walked up, gazing into her eyes with compassion and love. My heart space and arms held wide open to assure her with my energy and body language that I was trustworthy and able to hold space for her. As she leaned into me, I wrapped my arms around her and she did the same. We embraced each other for several moments, heart to heart.  We both began to cry together, squeezing each other even tighter.  

After about 5 minutes, we pulled apart, looked each other deep in the eyes, smiled, said I love you and went our own separate directions. Those were the only words that were ever spoken between us. No exchange of names or asking questions.  Just 100% pure presence and love.  

This moment is very dear to me, however I try to live each day in service of others. Being kind, holding doors, smiling, saying hello, extending compliments and acknowledging people’s beautiful existence.

I believe it is all of the small acts and moments that truly add up and make a difference.

Energetically we get back what we put out into the ether. The world needs more love.” |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]

“We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving.” – ‘We Are the World’

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