Shining Example #48 featuring Carl Brister [A Column about Acts of Kindness]


Negativity and selfishness gets great publicity in our social networking, indirect-contact society. You’d be led to believe the world’s running low on good people and that no one cares for or respects one another anymore. Their only concerns are themselves; and when they’re in need, no one is willing to lend them a hand without reward.

This is not the case. Kind, caring, selflessly-generous people still exist. Carl Brister is a shining example.

A compassionate and innovative recording artist, Brister fuses Pop, R&B, Dance and Soul to a sound he called “Free Music”. Not restricted by styles or genre tropes, he sings and performs what he feels on socially conscious songs like “L.O.V.E.”.  

Brister is also the founder of “The Love+Unity Fest”, an event featuring live music and family-welcoming activities. Emanating from his hometown of West Orange, NJ, the festival was created to unify the community. While good at what he does, he’s also a good person and one who believes in helping others.

I asked Carl Brister to tell me about a time when he did something nice for someone he didn’t know. Here’s what he shared.

“I am the founder and creator of the Love + Unity Festival.  We recently produced our first virtual concert. I performed at an outdoor event to support Black businesses and urged the community to complete the Census2020. 

We had a little time before the show, so I walked with my son to the 7-Eleven on the next block.  A homeless man was there opening the door for everyone. He didn’t ask for money, but as my son and I left I gave the man some money.  

Kids learn best, not by what we say but by what we do. The best way to teach my son to be compassionate was by having him seeing me show compassion and L.O.V.E. for someone I did not know. 

I do things like this all the time and had totally forgotten about it until your question.  My son was the one to remind me about the experience and the lesson he learned from me being his “shining example.” |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]

“We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving.” – ‘We Are the World’

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