Shining Example #67 featuring Alex Malone [A Column about Acts of Kindness]


Negativity and selfishness gets great publicity in our social networking, indirect-contact society. You’d be led to believe the world’s running low on good people and that no one cares for or respects one another anymore. Their only concerns are themselves; and when they’re in need, no one is willing to lend them a hand without reward.

This is not the case. Kind, caring, selflessly-generous people still exist. Alex Malone is a shining example.

A co-founder of, Malone aka Grand Kai is Community Manager of Proven Esports Group. Along with content creation and curating spectacular gaming events, he is the host and producer of The Grand Kai Gaming Podcast and Levels Podcast. His outlet is a well-received vehicle throughout the gaming and entertainment industries, and on each show he holds discussions with guests about their career success, inclusion and personal development, and hard-hitting social subjects.

A native of Lansing, MI, Malone is a magnet of hospitality on and off camera. He regularly goes above and beyond to make everyone around him feel welcomed. While good at what he does, he’s also a good person and one who believes in helping others.

I asked Alex Malone to tell me about a time when he did something nice for someone that he didn’t know. Here’s what he shared.

“I am the youngest of 4 and my mom raised us to treat people how we would want to be treated.

From a very earlier age I was very good at showing empathy. It means a lot to me to make people feel important. I remember when I had my 2nd child, and I was driving down the road and I saw a woman on the street corner. She had a sign that said she needed diapers and food for her baby.

Something in me told me to pull over. So I did, and talked with her and heard her story and her need. I told her I’ll be right back as I didn’t live too far from where she was. I came back and gave her 2 packs of diapers and some nonperishable food items.

To see the tears and joy on her face is something that I will never forget.

The significance of this is that I had just lost my job at the time and those were our last 2 packs of diapers for our baby. However, within a few days out of nowhere some friends gave us a 2-month supply of diapers for our child, not knowing that we were in need.

It is amazing what happens when you give from your heart. I had a firsthand experience of the old adage that says you reap what you sow.” |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]“We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving.” – ‘We Are the World’