Shining Example #76 featuring Dr. Cheyenne Bryant [A Column about Acts of Kindness]


Negativity and selfishness gets great publicity in our social networking, indirect-contact society. You’d be led to believe the world’s running low on good people and that no one cares for or respects one another anymore. Their only concerns are themselves; and when they’re in need, no one is willing to lend them a hand without reward.

This is not the case. Kind, caring, selflessly-generous people still exist. Dr. Cheyenne Bryant is a shining example.

A widely acclaimed speaker, brand ambassador, and author of the award-winning book Mental Detox, Dr. Bryant is a foremost psychology expert and life coach who proudly serves her clients and community. The President of the NAACP San Pedro/Wilmington Branch also, she is leading Blacks to overcome social inequalities and mental health disparities.

In addition, Dr. Bryant is the founder of the Dr. Bryant Institute, an online school that offers complete personal and professional development. While good at what she does she’s also a good person and one who believes in helping others.

I asked Dr. Cheyenne Bryant to tell me about a time when she did something nice for someone that she didn’t know. Here’s what she shared.

“I was at a gas station, and I was headed to an event that I was keynote speaking. While I was getting gas a young man walks up to me and said he’s selling candy.

I always buy every single candy bar or whatever they’ve got in the whole box. So, I asked how many and how much, and I always include a little extra tip. They’re working, so I throw in an extra tip for being ambitious.

This time I asked, ‘What are you selling candy for?’ And I never ask that especially when I’m in a rush. I just say how much and gotta go, and the kids are always extremely excited and flabbergasted. But this time for some reason my spirit said ask him. So, again, I asked, ‘Hey, young man, what are you raising money for?’

He said, ‘Well, my mother is partially handicapped, and we need cleaning supplies and we need a vacuum cleaner.’

In my mind I’m like, ‘What?! This is what he’s raising money for??!!!’

So, I said, ‘Check this out. What if I told you that I want to buy all the candy in your box?’ And, of course, his little face lit up! Then I said, ‘Not only that, but I also want to give you enough money for cleaning supplies and a vacuum cleaner.’

You know that kids naturally, innocently lie about what they’re raising money for. In my mind I’m thinking whether he’s telling the truth or not, he’s 8 or 9, I’m giving him the money. I did my good deed buying the candy bars and making sure he has what he tells me he needs. I’d go about my business and the good deed is done.

What made it so amazing, this little boy asked me if he could use my phone to call his mom. He said, “I want to make sure she’s okay with you buying this stuff for us.’ I’m like blown away!

We called his mom and he has her on speaker, and she’s like, ‘Hey, what’s going on?’

He said, ‘I met this lady at the gas station and she’s buying all of my candy bars, and she offered to buy us cleaning supplies and a vacuum cleaner!’

And she’s like, ‘What??!!! What are you talking about?!’

I say, ‘Hi, how are you? I’m Dr. Bryant. I met your son and he’s so wonderful. He had candy bars and I asked what he was raising money for, and he mentioned your condition. If it’s okay with you, I’d be honored to be able to provide that, but only if you’re okay with it.’

The mother immediately started crying.

I asked her if there was anything else that they needed as far as the cleaning supplies and she said they needed a mop. So, I asked her if it was okay to give him the $200, and she said, ‘Oh, my God, yes! This is such a blessing!’ And she was still crying.

I hang up the call and the little boy is still there. I gave him the money and I gave him my card, and tell him that’s how he can reach me if he needed anything.

I get in my car and I drive away saying, ‘Wow, God, look at the good deed I was able to do’, but also the lesson behind it for me was you never know the perspective of what somebody is in need of. A mop or a broom could be small to you and I, but that was a very, very intricate need for that family!

He calls me about 2 weeks later with his mom on the phone. They’re super excited, and they’re saying they got their broom, and they got this and they got that. Just to hear the delight in their voices was really what blew my heart away!

And he followed up!

I tell him, ‘You’re going to be something really, really freaking big, and I don’t think it’s going to take you long!’

He not only didn’t lie but he followed up on the call! What kid does that?! That was so amazing! I was really blown away by that young boy!” |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]

“We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving.” – ‘We Are the World’