Shining Example #95 featuring Karen Gomyo [A Column about Acts of Kindness]


Negativity and selfishness gets great publicity in our social networking, indirect-contact society. You’d be led to believe the world’s running low on good people and that no one cares for or respects one another anymore. Their only concerns are themselves; and when they’re in need, no one is willing to lend them a hand without reward.

This is not the case. Kind, caring, selflessly-generous people still exist. Karen Gomyo is a shining example.

Using her signature 1703 “Aurora, exFoulis” Stradivarius violin, Gomyo is beloved all over the world for her mastery of the elegant instrument.

A critically and commercially acclaimed violinist, Gomyo has worked brilliantly with Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, Chicago Symphony, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, the New York Philharmonic, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Symphony, and Vienna Chamber Orchestra among numerous others. Her incomparable performances bring audiences to their feet.

While good at what she does, she’s also a good person and one who believes in helping others.

I asked Karen Gomyo to tell me about a time when she did something nice for someone that she didn’t know. Here’s what she shared.

“I believe in the little steps.

It can be something as simple as having a little conversation with the person that just made you coffee. It can be something as little as a smile.

I think there’s always a wish to save the world, and then it gets overwhelming because it’s like how do I do that, because I’m just one person.

But I really believe in what’s immediately around you and the small things you can do that can contribute to someone’s life in a positive way. I believe in those positive things being able to be paid forward. I really believe in children and what they can bring to the world going forward.

If there is child who wants to come see me backstage, I will always make time to see that child. I’ll spend a little time with them and ask them if they’re playing music already, what they’re working on, and what they like about what they do.

When I was a little girl aspiring to be a concert violinist, that was hugely impactful to me!” |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]

“We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving.” – ‘We Are the World’