SQUEEZE: An Original Short Story by Mr. Joe Walker


The audience grew quickly. It didn’t take long for all the seats to be filled, leaving the remaining ticket holders standing. This was Luther’s final performance in Lansing; an unwanted, sold-out spectacle so captivating that it makes him uncomfortable. Capital Region International Airport was certainly the wrong venue for this type of show.

Luther glances at everyone at Gate 25 awaiting departure before turning his attention back to what’s normally the most beautiful green eyes he’s ever seen. These usually enchanting emeralds belong to his wife, Rosa. And right now, her eyes are tired, red and puffy, with remarkably large teardrops tumbling out of them.

“I SAID I DON’T WANT YOU TO GO!” Rosa yells as Luther motions for her to quiet down. He jerks his head swiftly from side to side, again taking notice of everyone watching. More embarrassed than he was just seconds earlier, he grabs Rosa by the hands and begins to gently shake them up and down.

“Babe, babe, listen to me, babe…,” Luther begs softly. “Please calm down. Please. I know you’re upset. This is incredibly hard for me too. But I have to go.”

Rosa yanks free from Luther’s grasp while shaking her head so wildly, that her curly, black hair covers her entire face. “NO, YOU DON’T!” she screams, before removing her hair from her face and mouth. She points her index finger at both of Luther’s eyes, then directs him to look at her protruding belly.

“I need you here when Angel is born!” Rosa shouts. “Here with me! WITH US! Not at the boarder protecting some stupid-ass wall!”

Luther undoes the top three buttons of his camouflage jacket, then reaches inside to reveal dog tags hanging from a chain around his neck. He removes it by pulling it over his head, drops the chain and tags into the palm of his right hand, then encloses them in a tightly clinched fist.

“Rosa,” Luther begins, gritting his teeth as he speaks, “I would love to not be in the National Guard right now!” He loosens his grip. “This whole assignment sucks! I’m going to miss the birth of our daughter! But singing Earth Wind & Fire covers in bars across town doesn’t come with benefits. Yeah, it’s fun. Yeah, I love seeing you in the front row, but we can’t live off the money I make doing that!”

Luther pauses, waiting for Rosa to lash out in response. To his relief she doesn’t.

Breathing heavily, Rosa places her palms over her eyes as tears squeeze their way out from underneath. Luther returns the tags to his neck; he grabs Rosa by the wrists, gingerly peeling her hands away. He takes his thumbs and wipes her tears to each side of her face, then uses his left arm to wipe away tears of his own. Finally calmed, Luther places both hands on Rosa’s stomach which makes he and his wife smile. He takes a second to look around at their Gate 25 audience. They’re smiling too.

“Angel, my dear, Daddy has a gift for you and Mommy,” Luther says as he reaches for his black backpack. He unzips its largest compartment, shoves his hand inside and pulls out a brand new, fluffy brown teddy bear. The sight of it makes Rosa gasp with delight as she cups her hands over her nose and mouth.

“This teddy bear is my placeholder” Luther says. “When you’re in labor, I want you to imagine this bear is my hand holding yours. Squeeze it as hard as you can. Every time you think of me, and how much I love you and miss you so much, I want you to wrap this teddy bear in your arms and just…just…squeeze.” |THIS

|Written by Mr. Joe Walker | Photos by Ironica Hope of Ironic Visuals | Alexia Rosado and Teddy Bear courtesy of Vision Success Marketing & Consulting | Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]