STOP!!!!!!! [Inspiring Words by A. Jones]


Stop saying there are no good men because you’ve dealt with a few bad apples out of the bunch.

Stop denying yourself the beauty of love.

Stop forcing your fears onto others.

Stop pushing someone away because you have grown accustomed to disappointment.

Stop running in the opposite direction of what feels good.

Stop saying things aren’t funny just because you want to be mad all the time.

Stop scrolling past your friends posts about love and relationships because of your sideways hate.

Stop blocking his number and just tell him exactly how you feel.

Stop trying to perfect who you are and embrace all that you are, flaws and all.

Stop leaning on those who are full of negative energy.

Stop picking all black because you heard it describes your mood.  Pastels were made for bright moods even on a cloudy day.

Stop avoiding things you need to fix in your life before you entertain the thought of another in your mental space.

Stop turning the music down when you are lost, it does not work.

Stop accepting anything less than what you deserve.

Stop telling every single person your every single move.  

Stop doubting yourself all of the good and amazing things in life.

Stop looking in the other direction when a cute guy smiles at you.

Stop telling your friend her outfit is dope when it’s not.

Stop placing rules on the simple things in life.

Stop getting mad because your co-worker chews loudly.

Stop checking your shipment tracking over and over, it’s coming.

The universe has so much in store for you.  Stop blocking all of its magic and just let it be. |THIS.

[By A. Jones]

A. Jones is a writer, blogger, and a dreamer. Take a spin through AJ’s Diary.