Stop deceiving yourself and take ownership of your flaws. No, they’re not your superpowers, but understanding how to navigate them may be.
Stop anticipating. You may find that you like being surprised.
Stop overanalyzing everything; doesn’t all that navel-gazing hurt your neck?
Stop letting Hollywood and meme culture define what you want out of life.
Stop trying to control the outcome of something that hasn’t occurred yet.
Stop getting in your own way.
Stop waiting for things to happen. You have 2 choices: you can go out and make them happen OR you can gracefully receive whatever comes your way.
Stop with the but’s’ and what if’s, and watch the I wish I’s stop on their own.
Stop making excuses—for yourself and others.
Hey, while you’re at it, stop trying to make everyone happy.
Stop expecting. Start appreciating.
Stop boxing yourself in. The universe is yours to expand. |THIS.
[By Jillian Conochan, Writer/Editor for]

Jillian Conochan is a professional amateur; writing and editing just happen to be two current pursuits. Opinion range: strong to DNGAF.