STOP!! [Inspiring Words by Sydney Walters of]


Stop forcing yourself.

Stop squeezing into boxes that you don’t fit into.

Stop thinking that you have to be this way or that way.

Stop trying to write the perfect story of your life.

Stop planning a flawless timeline.

Stop over-thinking it all.

Stop expecting.

Stop demanding complete control over the uncontrollable.

Life is chaotic and arbitrary, so stop drafting your idea of a faultless existence.

Start prevailing, start enduring, and start existing if only just to exist. |THIS.

[By Sydney Walters, Staff Writer for]

The Prompt is a creative community that showcases unique voices. People hungry to create. Writers. Podcasters. Artists. Maybe even you.

Sydney Walters is a digital marketer, fiction author, press release writer and hopeless romantic from D.C. who scribbles in answers on trivia night and shouts at her Playstation on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Sips hot tea or coffee from a Studio Ghibli mug. Paces while brainstorming. Conquers hot sauce.