T-Shirt Game: Amazing Spider-Man 300 [Written by Erik Stephen]


T-Shirt Game: Amazing Spider-Man 300 [Written by Erik Stephen]

This week I’m showcasing a shirt that depicts the cover to Amazing Spider-Man #300

The color scheme on this shirt is awesome and makes the image pop. Spidey in the black suit is always cool. Always.

If you’re a comic collector in any way, shape, or form, then you’ll know that Amazing Spider-Man #300 is also the first full appearance of Venom. 

So not only is the shirt design cool, but it has history to it as well.  

Do you have any shirts representing your favorite comic covers? 

If so then post them, tag me, and I’ll share them in my stories. In the meantime, make sure to listen to my song “T-shirt Game” on Spotify. |THIS.

[By Erik Stephen]