TGQ: What the heck is going on with ‘WandaVision’??!!!


We’ve been very entertained by Marvel Studios’ Disney+ series WandaVision.

The first 2 episodes were humorous with a dark twist at the end. We laughed even more during episode 3, but its startling ending made us turn to our friend Corey “Roc Bottom” Davis of RocBottom Studios and ask THIS GOOD QUESTION: What the heck is going on??!!!

“I see where it’s going!

Wanda is being controlled either by Mephisto or the Grim Reaper. I say that because if you look at Agnes’ broach there’s an image of him there in the silhouette which also looks to be a take of a statue of Hecate and the Three Graces.

Hecate is from the comics and is connected to Wanda because she’s the goddess of witchcraft.

In the comics when this happened, Wanda’s twins actually die even though they weren’t real to begin with, and Wanda has a complete mental breakdown. They get resurrected later, but this sent her over the edge. I think this is where this show is going.

When she breaks down, she becomes the villain. And it turns out the kids were, actually, shards of Mephisto’s soul, and he comes to collect them.

So, I’m seeing that the kids are either killed by the Reaper or taken by Mephisto. Wanda suffering yet another loss, loses her mind and shatters the multiverse in the process.

And rumor has it that Peter Parker shows up, Dr Strange shows up, and Quicksilver returns, but not the Age of Ultron one. It’s the one from the X-men movies.

This opens the Earth that has mutants. So instead of Wanda saying “No more mutants,” and killing them off [like she did in the classic House of M comic book series], I think she will bring them!

It’s also possible they could be using the same tech from Agents of SHIELD called “the framework” that gave the agents alternate lives.


Wanda made some sort of deal with Mephisto to bring Vision back. |THIS.

[By Corey “Roc Bottom” Davis | Photo courtesy of Disney+]