Our staff at THISENT.com thoroughly enjoyed Season 2 of Disney+ series The Mandalorian.

When it was over, we still found ourselves asking THIS GOOD QUESTION:

Who rescued Grogu from the Jedi Temple?

In the 5th episode of Season 2 titled “Chapter 13: The Jedi”, our bounty-hunting anti-hero Mando ventured to a planet called Corvus.

With The Child aka Baby Yoda still in his custody, he was directed to the outer rim planet by Bo-Katan Kryze of Mandalore to seek out former Jedi Ahsoka Tano. Mando had been advised to deliver The Force-wielding youngling to a Jedi.

Mando attempted to complete the delivery once he and Ahsoka met. During their brief time together, Ahsoka used The Force to telepathically communicate with The Child.

Doing this allowed Ahsoka to learn the baby’s name was Grogu and that he survived Darth Vader’s purge of the Jedi Temple following the twisted, murderous climax of the Clone Wars.

Apparently, someone rescued Grogu from the Temple and certain harm, but he doesn’t recall who or any details after his life-saving liberation.

There’s been speculation that Master Yoda or even Jedi librarian Jocasta Nu was Grogu’s hero.

Another was that Jedi Master Mace Windu miraculously survived his seemingly fatal encounter with Darth Sidious and pre-Vader Anakin Skywalker to double back and whisk Grogu to safety.

I think Grogu’s rescuer was a character most Star Wars fans would never even consider.

I think it was Jar Jar Binks.

The goofy, bumbling Gungan was loyal to Padme, the pregnant wife of Vader. He was also a peaceful soul who, maybe, thought he could be of some help to his allies during the purge.

The clone troopers were under the command of Sidious’ Order 66, an implanted directive to execute the Jedi. Executing Jar Jar would not have been a priority.

Jar Jar could have slipped into the temple during the chaos and bumbled his way into Grogu’s quarters. It’s possible that a Jedi was there guarding the baby but was already severely injured. Perhaps Jar Jar wandered in just in time to receive their last request and instructions of getting the child to safety.

My idea might be a stretch but here’s what else we don’t know: We don’t know who rescued Grogu and we don’t know what became of Jar Jar Binks. |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]