I was made aware of an exciting entertainment milestone. Multiplatinum selling singer and songwriter Keyshia Cole is celebrating the 15-year anniversary of her debut album ‘The Way It Is’.
Released June 21, 2005, the 12-track set brought R&B lovers several songs that are now considered classics – “You’ve Changed”, “Love”, “I Should Have Cheated”, “Never”, “(I Just Want It) To Be Over”, and “I Changed My Mind”. Honestly, the entire album has its place.
Getting word of the anniversary made me laugh out loud. I’m sure many would certainly consider my reaction questionable. Allow me this opportunity to explain that behavior.
I didn’t laugh because it was humorous. I reacted that way because I’ve been so very blessed as a writer.
I’m very grateful to have a personal share in this Cole milestone!
In December 2004 I became editor-in-chief of now defunct urban lifestyle publication XPOZ Magazine out of Phoenix, AZ. Its January ‘05 “Anniversary Issue” was already near completion, so my first order as EIC was the February “Love Issue”.
At the time I’d come to know Greg Miller who worked publicity for Interscope. To this day Greg’s a dear friend, industry contact, and longtime supporter of my writing career that I’m truly thankful for. He was beginning his run with Keyshia Cole and sent me her single and sampler. He asked if I’d be interested in interviewing her. After digesting that music appetizer, I told Greg I’d love to.
Keyshia and I had an awesome conversation. We talked about everything from cartoons and homecooked meals to music and her dog. I felt so strongly about it that I contacted Greg and informed him I was making the interview the “Love Issue” cover story.
So, my personal share in Keyshia Cole’s milestone 15-year anniversary of her debut album is this:
I wrote Keyshia’s first cover story!

Keyshia Cole made history and, thanks to her and Greg Miller, I did too. I’m truly grateful that’s the way it is. |THIS.
[By Mr. Joe Walker]