The Baddie vs The Brickhouse – Part 2: Railing with Mr. Joe Walker [The WHIP Show Podcast]


Welcome to the Wrestling Heroes and Insiders Podcast aka The WHIP Show. And right now, you’re Railing with the “Word Heavyweight Champion” Mr. Joe Walker.

On this follow-up episode, The Champ dives deeper into AEW TBS Champion Jade Cargill vs NWA Women’s World Champion “The Brickhouse” Kamille!

Taking the discussion up a notch, he brings in Whip from The WHIP Show to share thoughts about the subject! They go further into breaking down a potential feud between Jade and Kamille, and even compare it to their prospective match-up Hulk Hogan Vs The Rock.

Jade Cargill vs Kamille is fantasy booking that many wresting fans hope will come to life! | THIS ENT

[By Mr. Joe Walker and DeSean “Whipdog” Whipple]

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