I have been playing Castlevania, a Nintendo Entertainment System classic, for 36 years. This game has a 3-and-a-half decades long undefeated streak against me.

My first assumption of the role of vampire hunter Simon Belmont happened when I was 10 years old. Since then, I, like the fictional hero, have dedicated many hours of my life to ascending a creepy, trap-laden castle to defeat Count Dracula.

Under someone else’s control this adventure concludes with a victory. For me it’s disappointment, thrown controllers, embarrassment, and, on the bright side, a near life-long achievement to strive for.

Konami’s NES romp through Dracula’s domain is a challenging yet fun side scroller with solid graphics, exceptional level designs, and outstanding music. The melodic and bass heavy tracks are one the aspects of Simon’s initial quest that keeps me coming back.

What’s crazy is when in rhythm while wielding boomerangs with Triple Shots (an item that allows you to throw the weapon you’re carrying 3-at-a-time), I can progress without losing…until I encounter the Count, of course.

Most often than not, I don’t even make it to that final battle. One, just one, slipup along the way derails the entire playthrough.

What can’t be derailed? The fact that Castlevania is one of the greatest video games ever!  |THIS ENT

[By Mr. Joe Walker]