Time travel is real. We began our annual “Reflection Q&A Interview Series” six years ago; in each one the participant recounts their likes and growth from the previous year while also sharing what to expect from them in the year to come.
THISENT.com did not exist when the pioneering “15 to 16 Q&A” debuted with another publication in 2016. The beauty of it all is that time has allowed our team to carry the series with us here today.
With that in mind we decided to share the interview with beloved multitalented R&B duo ISH JUS MUSIC from six years ago!
Following this trip through time, we’ll share what Andriea and Caleb is up to six years later. THIS is for YOU!
What was your favorite song last year?
Caleb: My favorite song had to be a late addition, “Hello” by Erykah Badu feat Andre 3000. It was a phenomenal performance by both artists. I love the vibe of the song and the explosion of creativity.
Andriea: “Mercy Lord” by Mali Music. I just found the song a few months back, and I’ve been playing it nonstop!
What was your favorite movie?
Caleb: My favorite movie of 2015 is without a doubt Straight Outta Compton because it took us deeper into the story of the world’s most dangerous group. We witnessed the strength of street knowledge!
Andriea: Ditto! Straight Outta Compton wins as my favorite movie of the year, hands down!
What’s the television show you couldn’t stop watching?
Caleb: I am a huge comic nerd, so Netflix’s Daredevil was crazy exciting to binge on! I actually watched the season twice.
Andriea: Once Upon A Time caught my attention, and I binged on it.
What album did you play the most?
Caleb: Technically this album was released at the end of ’14, but I played it hard in ’15; J. Cole’s 2014 Forest Hill Drive was in all my devices to play wherever I was. It was a dope album, and it definitely changed my top five.
Andriea: Mali Music’s Mali Is got the most play on my playlist this year.
What did you Goggle the most?
Caleb: I Googled Marvel and DC movies consistently to watch their trailers.
Andriea: Recipes. I’ve been learning to cook and feed my husband good foods. Google has been a great help in supplying some great recipes.
What’s the most shocking news you heard all year?
Caleb: The attack on Paris and the racial tension at the University of Missouri; both have lasting implications on world relations, but it also raised a lot of questions regarding Black folks and what to support.
Andriea: Sadly, I’m not shocked by the things we see in the news today. I wish things were different, but I’m not shocked. I was more shocked by the Steve Harvey mix-up at the Miss Universe pageant this year.
Tell how you evolved over the last 12 months.
Caleb: I evolved in how I thought about what original music should be. I started to take in many more influences in the music-making process and the end results were very satisfying. I’ve always been a bit of a control freak with music.
Andriea: I have evolved as a wife and as an entrepreneur. Life teaches some amazing lessons, and this year I picked up on a lot that I will carry with me into the new year.
What was your biggest blessing?
Caleb: My biggest blessing was actually two-fold; our album Pineapple Tuesday was released after much work and care, and that led us to tour from coast to coast promoting the album. It was a gratifying experience.
Andriea: I agree. Finally releasing our album and seeing it bless other people was a major blessing to me.
What can your fans and critics expect from you in 2016?
Caleb: We are so excited to be working on our second album! I can’t wait to share it.
Andriea: New music! We are excited about releasing the new album!
And forget what People Magazine says! Who was the sexiest person of the year?
Caleb: Is there any question that it is my bride Andriea?!
Andriea: Aww … Well now I have to say my husband! [Laughs] I would have chosen him anyway. | THIS is for YOU!
[By Mr. Joe Walker]

NOW: Andriea, a published author, wrote a story of spiritual self-discovery titled The Mask. She also founded Write Mind Studio, a personal growth boutique. Caleb, known in regarded professional circle as The Iron Lung, launched Iron Lung Music where he coaches vocalists to improve their vocal control, increase their performance stamina, and stretch their range. Together, Caleb and Andriea released the single “To Live”.