Award-winning singer and songwriter Levina Lye has made a career out of defying genre. Noted for performing what she feels how she feels it, The Emo Queen accurately refers to herself as an alien. Levina’s creative strides have set her world’s apart from many of her trend-following peers.

With expressive sets like ‘Pieces of Me’ and ‘More of Me’, national and international music media have richly applauded the Bronx native’s otherworldly talents. Levina Lye took time out her busy schedule to answer our “2020 Twenty Questions” questionnaire! We hope THIS INTERVIEW entertains and inspires you.

On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy are you to be alive?

I’m very happy to be alive and to wake up every day is a blessing. As a strong believer in God I believe that every day I’m alive is another day to live my purpose and be the humanitarian that I am. 

As a child what did you want to be when you grew up?

I have always, always, always wanted to be a singer and not for one second of my life has my dream ever changed. Since the first moment I decided to pursue it, it has always been my first priority. 

What was your favorite cartoon?

I’m a major fan of Family Guy and American Dad. Now that I’m a lot older the jokes are way more relatable.

Tell us your favorite song as a kid, as a teenager, and now as an adult.

This is a tough one. Being that I am a music lover, I have way too many favorite songs. And, also, being an artist, I’m biased in the sense that no one relates to my music more than me.

I do want to shout out all the real musicians out there who write and pour their hearts into their music. Those are the artists who have created my favorite songs of all time.

What’s an album that means more to you now than it did when you first heard it?

Definitely ‘Queen’ by Nicki Minaj. As I began to listen to it more and more. I gained so much insight into who she is as a person and an entertainer. She has overcome so much hate and negativity and still shows the world that she is in fact still on top of it and I truly admire her craft. 

What are your 3 favorite movies?

Again, I try not to be biased. I relate to so many movies especially ones that have a strong message. I did enjoy Joker especially since I often relate to being the outsider and not fitting in. There’s a lot of times when people don’t recognize or even acknowledge good people until they do something “bad”. 

What’s the last film that made you cry or almost cry, and what scene did it?

A Dogs Way Home basically had me in tears the whole entire movie. I had this knot in my throat that literally didn’t pass until the movie was over.

I am a major animal lover and I hate to see any animal have to suffer. Something about that really gets to me emotionally.

What’s your all-time favorite TV show?

There as so many shows that I love. Right now, a few are Lucifer, Dave and of course the classic Law & Order: SVU.

Which character on that show do you identify with most?

Lucifer is one of my favorite characters of all-time and it’s because it shows the other side of the stigma behind being the devil. He possessed a lot of humane emotions and was even capable of love, and it shows you the full spectrum of him as a whole outside of the negative things that we know about him.

What makes you laugh out loud or smile uncontrollably every time you see it or hear it?

I’m a big nerd so I laugh at almost everything. I think it’s important to always have a sense of humor and to find joy in the little things. My mom brings out the goofball in me a lot and that keeps me young at heart.

Who in your family served you the most delicious, unforgettable dish you’ve ever eaten?

My mom is the best cook ever! I learned how to cook by following her recipes and most of the time she just wings it and it still comes out amazing. Everything she does is incredible.

Tell us the most nutritious thing you’ve fed your mind.

I feed my mind with thoughts of God daily. When I find myself quick to anger, I remind myself to have patience and to carry love in my heart always.

I practice forgiveness often and it took me some time to realize [this]; but holding on to hurt was only hurting me. So, the best thing I’ve told myself is to let go and let God. 

When did you start to understand your value?

I have always understood my value.

Have I always stood by what I believe about myself? No, not always.

There were times I stayed in horrible situations because I didn’t love myself enough to let other people down. But now, I know that if my cup is empty I cannot fill others up. My feelings matter and they count for something, and I’m more aware of them and protective of them also. 

Who is the G.O.A.T. of your profession?

Nicki Minaj because she’s the queen! 

Do you aspire to be like them or more like someone you have a stronger personal connection to?

I would be honored to be like Nicki, but what makes me great is that I’m me. It’s great to have artists to look up to but as far as aspiring to be like them I want to create my own lane. I don’t want anyone to ever aspire to be like me, because what makes them unique is that they are who they are.

Recall for us the first time you failed. What lesson did you learn from that?

Truthfully, I fail every day. There’s times when I’m extremely disappointed in others and even myself. I push my music on my own without much help or support. and there are times when I just want to give up. But then I realize I do this for me.

I started doing this because I believed in myself from day one. And the reminder is why stop because of other people when I do this for me.

Music gives me a purpose and it’s why I was put here. 

In what way have you evolved over the last 12 months?

I’ve grown so much. I took the time to make sure I was okay mentally. I used to just suck it up and deal with the chaos that was coming my way until I decided just dealing with it was stunting my ability to heal.

How could I get closure when I had never dealt with being uncomfortable with those emotions?

When was a time that someone you didn’t know did something nice for you? What did they do?

Every day I gain new supporters and that is the utmost best thing that can happen for me on a daily basis. I truly cherish those who take the time to share my art and share their admiration for what I’m doing as an artist. To me there’s honestly no greater gift than getting genuine support.

How would you explain to someone the importance of valuing their time?

Being that we’re in quarantine a lot of us have nothing but time. I decided what I do in each day determines the next, so I spend a lot of time making today better for tomorrow. Make sure you’re spending your time on things that fill you up with positivity and wisdom.

What’s been the biggest blessing of your life?

My biggest blessing is having my mom still be here today. I’ve lost so much along the way, but I still have my rock. For that I am forever grateful. |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker and Alex aka Grand Kai]