Our guest today is returning to THISENT.com for the first time since our “Festival of Fights” Q&A series. He’s the creator of Lansing, MI based independent professional wrestling promotion LEGACY. He’s also a member of undefeated semi-pro football team Tri-County Crusaders, winners of the Greater Midwest Football Conference Championship. We hope you enjoy THIS INTERVIEW with our friend “Big Time” Rigo Flores!
You’ve been a supporter of THIS ENT since before the beginning. We didn’t have our website up yet! How do you feel about its first year?
The website is welcoming! It’s a sleek, modern style that draws you in and the multiple videos makes me want to stay awhile.
We’re glad you like to hang out on our site! What’s been your favorite article, video or event from us?
To be honest, anything that has to do with “Big Time” Rigo Flores. The name, the personality, the everything about him is inspiring.
The “Fight Night” videos and events. There. That’s the real answer. Grand Kai, AOG2012 and Mr. Joe Walker together just makes sense and I expect THIS to be the next big multimedia company in the Lansing, MI area.
You were also one of the first people we interviewed, which was before “Festival of Fights”. What type of response did you get to that?
An unexpected and overwhelming positive response. Of course, with anything I do I had those who soured on it because they want to see me fall but with THIS in my corner I’m going to ball, baby. A lot of attention was brought to our event because of the online publication.
Tell us what’s in the immediate future for your wrestling promotion LEGACY.
LEGACY has already built a legacy as being the best pro wrestling company in Lansing, MI just off of the couple of events we’ve done. But what really put us over were the videos by Classic Groupe!
The virus has halted any plans for the foreseeable future as the health of the wrestlers and their families is more important. When the time is right, we’ll run again and give the fans the pro wrestling experience they deserve in the Capital City.
Who is a professional wrestler, or any athlete, you’d like to see on THIS?
The Soul Taker. The way he carried himself at 517 BBQ late last year really won me over. Come to think of it, the way he carried himself during the mayhem won me over too. His charisma and intensity makes him the best current pro wrestler in Michigan.
He showed out at “Festival of Fights” too! He’s a sleeping giant. Promoters reading this, book this guy! I can’t say enough good things about him. You need to interview this guy.
Another slew of athletes you need to interview are Ross Michels, Makik Mack, Takari Johnson, Terry Cruize, David McNeilly, Ja’von Wray and Ken Hall of the Tri-County Crusaders. Yeah, I’m a little biased after playing alongside them this season but they carry themselves like true leaders. Every single one. And they all have amazing stories on and off the field. Some are fathers, great ones at that, some are business owners, some are young enough and good enough to go to a bigger stage.
I see them and all that they are juggling in their lives. To see them come out and absolutely destroy people on the field and uplift the team, spending time working with individual members of the team to help them get better… Man, there’s nobody like those guys! I might be missing a few on that list but those are the ones that came to mind.

We’ve got a few more people to add to our list, starting with The Soul Taker. Speaking of athletes and Tri-County Crusaders, congratulations on your championship win! How did you celebrate?
A simple night at the coach’s house just eating good food, some beverages, and good ol’ fashioned team bonding. I couldn’t have spent time anywhere else or had any more fun. It’s a team tradition to hang at coach’s house now.
What’s in store for the team now?
We’re headed to The Sunshine Bowl in Florida next January to play for a national title! We have the league championship which earned us a ring. Honestly, I was good with that because we won the title for our city. We now have the opportunity to represent our league and our state for a second ring.
Our nation sure could use more teamwork. What do you want to see happen to improve things in your immediate and national community over the next 12 months?
More conversations and ultimately more action to help the multiple races become more united. We need to speak about police reform and develop a plan of action not just now but right now. You can’t have a few bad apples on the police force! You can’t! They need to all be good with the right intentions. There should be a zero tolerance policy for them.
It’s sickening that people have to even question George Floyd’s past to determine whether or not the police were wrong in killing him. That makes me sick. No man deserves to be killed when he’s acting civilized and outnumbered at that. They could’ve just taken him in.
Then to hear Jacob Blake was shot after breaking up a fight. In the back! They better not try to justify the actions of the police by digging into Blake’s past. If we can’t make a change by acting peacefully then we will need to continue acting more aggressively and force the change by any means necessary. If someone killed any of my brothers, blood or not, you’re damn right I’d burn the city down too. |THIS.
[By Mr. Joe Walker | Main photo by Dan Defoy Photography, 2nd photo by Riel Flores]