Ultimate Warrior 3V3 Tekken Team Battle was an epic gaming event from PROVEN eSports Group and Grand Kai Gaming. One of its combatants is competitive gamer Mikecappone!
Following the Tekken 7 action Mike took up the challenge of answering our FT10 Questionnaire. We hope you enjoy THIS INTERVIEW!
How did you come up with your gamertag/gamer name? Share the origin story with us.
Well, my father’s gamer tag is Calcappone. I just replaced Cal with Mike and the rest is history.
What was your first experience with gaming and how did it impact you?
My earliest memories of gaming was on the Nintendo 64 playing Hey You, Pikachu and Power Rangers.
Name what you consider to be the 5 greatest games of all-time. Which of these 5 is your all-time favorite?
This is really hard. My top 5 will have to be:
#1: Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
#2: Pokemon XD
#3: Horizon Zero dawn
#4: Pokemon Diamond
#5: Street Fighter X Tekken
Which console release were you so excited about that it made you lose sleep thinking about it?
If I’m being honest it will have to be all of them.
Why do you think retro gaming has become such a popular subculture?
Who doesn’t like reliving gaming experiences from when we were younger?

What video game has inspired you the most?
Tekken 7. Seeing how much I’ve grown from my first time playing it gets me excited to keep getting stronger, so one day I’ll make top 8 at EVO or become one of the strongest Hwoarang players. Whichever comes first.
Being a gamer sometimes comes with a negative perception. How do you think that perception can be changed?
If people finally see that gaming is more than a pass time for kids. If people see the compelling storytelling that video games have. I actually believe that the storytelling in games can beat most of these Oscar winning movies.
How has gaming built your confidence in other areas of our life?
I can write a whole MLA formatted essay just from this one question. Gaming has changed my life and it made me more comfortable with who I am. One day I want to help others the same way that gaming helped me.
Is competitive gaming missing anything that you feel would drastically improve it?
The main thing that will improve competitive gaming is to change the public view on it.
What do you see as the future of gaming?
The thing I see as of right now is that the gaming will be as big, maybe even bigger than any sport in the world just because gaming is very inclusive. |THIS.
[By Grand Kai and Mr. Joe Walker]
The FT10 Questionnaire Q&A Interview Series is sponsored by PROVEN ESPORTS GROUP – innovating esports through competitive, casual, and educational gaming. For more visit ProvenEsportsGroup.com.