THIS INTERVIEW with Hip Hop artist Skypp: The 2000 BC Series


We have all experienced the life-altering affects of the pandemic. In THIS INTERVIEW you’ll learn its toll on Hip Hop artist Skypp.

“The King of Indiana” took time to answer our “2000 BC Q&A”, reflecting on his life before COVID-19 and how things have changed personally and professionally since.

Tell us what you miss most from life before COVID-19.

Concerts and family time, for sure. We had to skip out on our family reunion, and I’ve missed out on so many shows. I’m glad that things are getting back on track now though.

Where were you when you learned about COVID-19 and how did you respond?

I was at a rap concert! [Laughs]

Mulatto and a bunch of other rising female artists were in Indianapolis performing. I looked at the TV and saw that the NBA season had just been cancelled. I was shocked. Here I was in a club full of people and there’s some deadly virus out here. [Laughs]

What, for you, have been the personal and professional benefits and setbacks from the pandemic?

Well, I work in the school system part-time, so that was a huge setback for me financially. The shows that I missed were also big losses. Personally, the time away from my grandma and other family members because of them being high risk.

Benefits, I was able to be as creative as I wanted to be with no limits. I’ve released 3 albums during this pandemic and held a freestyle series. It’s been a blast!

Do you have faith in the vaccine?

I’d rather not speak on it. I understand that it’s a touchy subject and I’m neither for nor against the vaccine. I believe everyone should do what they feel is best for them in these weird times. I support everyone’s opinion and decisions.

Who do you talk to the most to keep your spirits up and help you stay optimistic?

Myself, mainly. If it’s not me, it’s for sure the higher power. I pray daily. It’s very helpful for my patience, focus and discipline.

Has the pandemic caused you to value your life and the lives of others more than you did already?

I’d say no. I’ve always valued human life to the highest degree.

Have I been more careful? Yes.

I understand that a lot of people are high risk and I try to be mindful of that when I’m out in public. But human life has always been dear to me.

What about your immediate surroundings have you become more aware of?

Great question. I’d have to say laptop! [Laughs] I was always on the move before the pandemic which caused me to neglect a lot of online promotions and studying. Now I don’t go a day without doing some sort of research, building some sort of relationship, or posting some promotional material.

What’s something that had to change because of the pandemic that you hope doesn’t change back once it’s over?

Sanitation! People washing their hands! Such an underrated thing before this pandemic.

Do you know how many people I’ve watched use the restroom then walk right back out?! That ended once the pandemic started! |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]