In this interview with award-winning singer, songwriter and producer Melissa B, the Billboard #1 charting artist talks to us about her new single “Waterman” – which we reviewed. We also discuss her desire to finally win a Grammy and the importance of her family. Enjoy!

THIS: Your new single “Waterman” just dropped, and we think it’s dope! And it’s so different from your singles “Found” and “Give It to Me”. Are you purposely showcasing your creative diversity?

Melissa B: Yes, I am definitely showing my creative diversity within this song “Waterman”. It’s the first time I have something that it’s all the full-blown production done by me. I’m producing and I wrote it and I’m singing it. I’m showing my creativity because I can’t be held back based off of doing what everybody else does. I like to show that I’m different from everybody.

THIS: Do you ever have moments when you feel like you’re doing too much of the same thing which provokes you to go way left from where you were?

Melissa B: No, I don’t have moments of doing too much of the same thing. For me what it is, is I just go with my spirit. Whatever drives me to create something different. I just go with the water, go with the flow…hence the waterman. I’m just a free spirit. However my music comes about and what I’m feeling at that time, that’s what I create.

THIS: Your free spirit certainly shows. Okay, so let’s get more into the single. Which came first – the words or the track?

Melissa B: What came first was the music. After I played it for Michael [Ashby] he helped me, basically, flush it out to more of what it is now. Then when I was listening to it, words just came to me after I finished the track. And I also had a vision of the Egyptian pyramids. Then I started looking up hieroglyphs of water. I found there’s an actual waterman and it symbolizes knowledge and the flow of life.

THIS: Once it was finished, did it make you chill while kicked back with a cocktail or did you get up and dance?

Melissa B: When I finished the song, I just sent it to my mom and my sister, which is what I usually do. It’s a traditional thing I do. I wanted to see what they thought. Did I kick back with a cocktail? Did I get up and dance? No, I didn’t do any of those things! [Laughs] I was pleased with what I finished, and I thanked God for the spiritual gift he gave me for the message I was supposed to give to you guys.

THIS: How important has the support of your family been to the success you’ve experienced?

Melissa B: Oh, wow! My family supports me with everything I do. My mom and my dad always pushed me to strive for the best that I could be. Being a military kid all my life, growing up I have that embedded in me. My family loves that I do my music. They push me all the way. The one goal they want me to get is a Grammy. That’s the one thing I promised my dad I would do, so…I’m gunning for that.

THIS: Since you’ve mentioned it, we also want to see you win a Grammy! But I’m sure you know that. As of right now, though, which of your accolades ranks the highest?

Melissa B: I think the highest accolade that I’ve gotten was singing at Carnegie Hall, but also winning the Global Music Awards’ “The Gold Medal” as one of the top female vocalists around the world. That’s pretty good.

THIS: Pretty good?! Melissa that’s awesome! You’re so modest. When you finally get this Grammy are you going to kick back with a cocktail and stare at it or get up and dance with it?

Melissa B: The day that I get a Grammy I will definitely be dancing with it and then I’ll kick back with a cocktail and stare at it for a while! [Laughs] And I’ll thank God, I’ll thank my Father for being in my life, and pray, and say that we finally did it.

THIS: Along with being talented and creative with a great singing voice, you’re also a compassionate person. We were honored to have you featured in our column “Shining Example”. With so much pain in the world right now, tell us why music like yours is needed now more than ever.

Melissa B: I think my music is needed now more than ever because it comes from the heart. I know that people in this world right now just need something to heal them when they listen to it, just like meditation. Or, like, when you do yoga. You have different sounds lime oem that hit the vibrations of your body a certain way. I feel as though with my music I give a certain vibration out in order to heal people through my sound. I’m just an instrument and I just guide it with the spirit of God. I give what I’m supposed to give and how God wants me to give that to people. Even with this song “Waterman”, it’s very soothing. |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker]