THIS IS 10 Reasons to VOTE [By Kelaine Conochan from The Prompt Mag]


The 2020 Presidential Election is being called the most important election in American history.

The 45th President of the United States and Republican nominee Donald Trump is campaigning for a second term.

His opponent is Democratic nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden.

Both are trying to convince the American public they’re the right person to lead our country.

The last 4 years have been challenging, with circumstances becoming far worse in 2020.

The U.S. has experienced the following: more innocent Black people killed by police, the nightmare that is human trafficking, a nationwide upraising against systemic racism and social injustice; blatant racism from public officials, media and law enforcement; anarchists and looters destroying businesses, raging wildfires decimating land and homes, and the COVID-19 pandemic claiming more than 200,000 lives and infecting millions of others including our current President and First Lady.

Our citizens have the power to change the course of our nation. That power is their right to vote.

For those people who believe they have no reason to vote,’s Kelaine Conochan is here to help. Here’s her 10 Reasons to VOTE!

1: Because feeling completely powerless, hopeless, and pointless is no way to go through life.

2: Because the current administration is a disgrace.

3: Because I’m so fucking angry. 

4: Because change is possible if enough people actually give a shit.

5: Because hypocrites have gotten away with too much for too long, and they need to be held accountable.

6: Because democracy is a team sport.

7: Because decisions are made by those who show up.

8: Because we need another relief package, universal healthcare coverage, and improved policies for human rights, climate change, education reform, family leave, infrastructure investment, and justice system reform.

9: Because the government works for me.

10: Because this is the line. We’re not going back. |THIS.

[By Kelaine Conochan | Introduction by Mr. Joe Walker]

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