THIS IS 10 Reasons to VOTE [By Jennifer Racusin & Kelonnie Harris from sister publication The Prompt Mag]


The 2020 Presidential Election is being called the most important election in American history.

The 45th President of the United States and Republican nominee Donald Trump is campaigning for a second term.

His opponent is Democratic nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden.

Both are trying to convince the American public they’re the right person to lead our country.

The last 4 years have been challenging, with circumstances becoming far worse in 2020.

The U.S. has experienced the following: more innocent Black people killed by police, the nightmare that is human trafficking, a nationwide upraising against systemic racism and social injustice; blatant racism from public officials, media and law enforcement; anarchists and looters destroying businesses, raging wildfires decimating land and homes, and the COVID-19 pandemic claiming more than 200,000 lives and infecting millions of others including our current President and First Lady.

Our citizens have the power to change the course of our nation. That power is their right to vote.

For those people who believe they have no reason to vote,’s Jennifer Racusin and Kelonnie Harris is here to help. Here’s their 10 Reasons to VOTE!

1: Politicians have spent a lot of time and money to create and maintain an electoral system that serves and protects exactly one interest: their own. They want you to think that they have power over you, when the truth is, you have all the power over them. This is the year we need all of us to use our power so there is no doubt about what the people want.

2: Apathy isn’t a good look on you. But you know what is? Giving a fuck. Taking action. Doing something. Voting.

3: Judges last a lifetime. Things that get decided in our judicial system have the power to affect your daily life for a long time. Don’t you want to have a voice in who is making judicial appointments? Yes, yes you do.

4: There are things that are happening right now in our country that are flat out wrong. When you vote, you take a stand against that. That’s like being a superhero. Superheroes are awesome. Voting turns you into a superhero defending the world against injustice.

5: Your opinion, your way of life, your voice matters. If you don’t participate in elections because you don’t see anyone who looks like you or represents your interests, do something about it. When you vote, you’re making sure that someone who looks like you, thinks likes you and lives like you is participating in your government.

6: People’s fundamental human rights are at stake; some examples: undocumented immigrants, their children, trans/NB/GNC rights, women and gender minorities, racial minorities, etc.

7: The president is the commander-in-chief of a supreme military power. When Trump was elected, I remember hearing from people too young to vote and non-US citizens that it felt so unfair they got no say in who runs a global superpower that will impact their lives. This really stuck with me.

8: It may seem hopeless and a waste of time, but when we weigh the impact of four years under the leadership of someone who is unqualified/incompetent/doesn’t believe we are human or that our rights matter to the time spent researching relevant issues and filling out our ballots, it suddenly starts feeling like we might as well shoot our shot.

9: We want to speak up for entities that literally can’t speak up and demand their respect, like plants, non-human animals, and all the other parts of nature our industrial capitalist nation sacrifices in the name of profit.

10: Imagine if all the people who built the US got a say in the political system from the get-go.  Enslaved Africans and indigenous Americans, women and gender minorities, people of all demographics who didn’t own land—you get the picture.  We vote to bring us closer to a world where these people, many of our ancestors, could thrive. |THIS.

[By Jennifer Racusin and Kelonnie Harris – | Introduction by Mr. Joe Walker]

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