A new entry of my weekly kindness column “Shining Example” debuts every Monday at 8am EST.
For today, after a long week and here at the beginning of another, if you’re in need of an inspiring pick-me-up I’ve got 74 stories from 74 remarkable people that I hope will lift your spirits and warm your heart!
Read them all if you’d like, or just the ones by people you recognize. When you’re done, please share them with anyone else needing a positivity boost. |By Mr. Joe Walker | Photo of Cari Champion aka “Shining Example” #1]
Watch “A Better Way” by our FEATURED ARTIST Adesha and Vincent Kwok!
We sincerely thank you for continuing to visit THISENT.com for our columns, podcasts, interviews, videos, reviews, eSports and gaming coverage, and special features.
Here’s our #1 most-popular attraction as determined by you and your views for the weeks of May 9 – May 15!
We have more great stuff for you throughout the week ahead too. Come back daily for all-things entertainment! |THIS.

THISENT.com is fun podcasts with honest discussions, unique columns that entertain and inspire, esports and gaming coverage that’s both exciting and encouraging, celebrity interviews that matter, and special features and videos that inform, uplift, and impress. THIS ENT is all things entertainment. Read. Watch. Listen. THIS is for YOU!