presents Lansing Lightning’s Player of the Week


In a player-controlled poll, Lansing Lightning’s #28 Brandon Parker Smith was voted as the PLAYER OF THE WEEK!

Where did you start playing football? Did you play in high school or anywhere else before the Lansing Lightning such as college or another semi pro team?

I really didn’t play much in high school. I tore my ACL 7th grade year, played my freshman year, got into a life changing car accident, and didn’t play much in high school. This is my 2nd season semi pro, both years with Lansing Lighting. Playing anywhere else would be a dope opportunity.

I’ve seen a lot of different semi pro football teams help people, not just finance wise. Mentally, we play this for an escape to wherever life takes me, football wise. I’m all for it. My goal is the USFL arena, some type of ball where I can take care of my family.

What made you decide on the Lightning?

Honestly, what got me to play football for the Lightning, let alone football again, was my guy Kam Todd. We were all chilling one day, and he brought it up like, “Hey bro, y’all should come play ball with me.”

I came over a few weeks later to see the team, meet coach Wallace, and it was a great opportunity to play along with some of these people. Some of folks you even grew up with. It just all-around feels good playing football again, let alone with my city on the jerseys.

Tell us about your favorite moment from the last two years?

I think my favorite moment was last year, going to Ohio and winning the conference championship game! That will forever be a legendary moment in semi pro football for me.

Also last year we did a positive food run for the homeless. I came up with the idea but without my teammates it wouldn’t happen. We walked the streets of Lansing for about 2 hours passing out food and talking to the community. It felt good seeing those folks eat. It was a decent act of kindness and it made so many happy. I’d love to make another Lansing Lighting food run some time towards the end of the season.

What’s your biggest goal for this season?

Winning a championship. Last year we were so close it left a stain that hasn’t been removed yet. We came in 2nd place last year off a heartbreaking, hard-fought game. | THIS is for YOU!

[By Ross Michels | Photo by Kassie Prudden]