presents Lansing Lightning’s Player of the Week


In a player-controlled poll, Lansing Lightning’s #12 Jarrell Grant was voted as the PLAYER OF THE WEEK!

We sat down with Jarrell to get to know him a little better while celebrating his contributions to the team.

What led you to become the football player you are today?

Well, I played baseball my whole life. That’s my first love. Actually, I played year ‘round with several teams at a time. So when I decided to change sports my sophomore year of high school for football, I knew that from then on every time I hit the field it meant something more. My family and friends sacrificed a lot of time and money for baseball.

Who has given you the most valuable advice on and off the field?

You know, honestly, I couldn’t pick one specific piece of advice. I’ve had a lot of great mentors and teammates come in my life and teach me something to add to my tool bag. From my high school coaches to wingmen in the Airforce, to my coaches now, [these are] all great men and woman that walk this path with me daily in my heart.

How has their advice helped you be successful today?

The advice I’ve received has molded me into the man I am today. You can either learn from your mistakes and get better, or you can let them drag you back while the world passes by. It’s going to continue to help me grow for as long as I’m allowed.

What is it like to be a player for Lansing Lightning?

It’s like a family, to be totally honest. We fight, we bicker, we hurt and cry together, but in the end we will not let any outsider come in and hurt our family. I’ve been on several championship teams, but none have ever been as close to my heart and had me as invested.

How does it felt to be acknowledged by your teammates as Player of the Week?

It’s everything. This season and last has thrown some real curve balls towards me, especially after deciding to get sober from alcohol. All this does is cap how my body feels physically and emotionally each week.

Where do you and your team want to be when this season is over?

Well, that’s simple. WE WANT OUR TROPHY! And our bid back down to my home state. FL here we come! JG12 OUT! | THIS is for YOU!

[By Mr. Joe Walker | Photo by Kassie Prudden]