“Ugly” [Written by KT The Psalmist]


Our search for acceptance has caused us to fall victim to idolatry.

There is only one that will truly accept you. Yeshua. Nothing but the blood.

Nothing on this earth will suffice – not people, not a political party, not your church, not family, not friends, not frats or sororities, not relationships, not your career or workplaces, not money. The list goes on.

I am not saying there’s no place for these things or that participating in them is wrong by any means.

I am saying the inherent need of acceptance has led us to idolize the wrong things, to place them on pedestals they were never meant to be.

We have to take a step back. Reassess and refocus.

In the words of almost every elder I’ve ever engaged with: “God don’t like ugly.”

We are not loving God with all our heart or loving our neighbors as we love ourselves.

And it’s ugly. |THIS.

[By KT The Psalmist]