“Ultimate Warrior 3V3 Tekken Team Battle” Happening February 6, 2021


We are proud to announce the next epic gaming event from PROVEN eSports Group and Grand Kai Gaming!

Ultimate Warrior 3V3 Tekken Team Battle brought to you live on YouTube.com/GrandKaiGaming February 6, 2021!

It is a 3 vs 3 Tekken 7 team battle tournament and it will be action packed.

We have incredible 3-member teams from all over Michigan, they will compete to determine which squad will be crowned the champion.

It is the ultimate test of skill for all the players involved.

Ultimate Warrior 3V3 also serves a platform to recognize and celebrated players for their talent and efforts.

Following the remarkable success of “Fight Night: Round 1”, “Fight Night: Round 2”, “PROVEN: The Fight Night Experience”, “PROVEN: Cold War”, “Fight Night: Round 3”, and “Ultimate Warrior: One Button Beatdown”, the level of production and entertainment we are bringing to this event will be our most ambitious yet!

Our prize goal is to raise a $1000 pool. Interested parties can donate to the pool for free here: https://matcherino.com/tournaments/38494/overview

Sponsorship opportunities are available as well as ad space on the live stream. Email grandkaigaming@gmail.com.

Ultimate Warrior 3V3 Tekken Team Battle on February 6, 2021 will be another Proven Esports Group and Grand Kai Gaming classic! Stay tuned to THISENT.com for more! |THIS.