Award-winning hip-hip artist and producer “Player One” Mark Cooper has all of us at, and many others everywhere else, excited for Gerald’s Field – the fourth and final chapter of his Player One concept album saga. The current release and third entry, Test Drive, is brilliant. We did an entire THIS Podcast episode about it!
And now the nerdcore standout has brought the album’s Player One character and story elements to life, as see seen in the pictures here!
For THIS INTERVIEW we spoke with “Player One” about his fresh wears and tried our best to get some exclusive info about his next LP.
Mark, your outfit is pretty freaking awesome! From its design it looks to be paying homage to both the Green and White Power Rangers. Are we right? Tell us what brought about its creation.
Yes! You are absolutely correct!
I actually not only combined the Green and the White Ranger, but with the Gold Ranger from the Mighty Morphin Power Ranger series as well. Having both gives homage to the first leaders, Jason and Tommy.
Iconic Ranger Tommy Oliver, portrayed by actor Jason David Frank, cameos on your album Test Drive. How did you pull him into the Player One nerdcore story?
Well, when I was in the process of the Player One series, I wasn’t clearly sure what would the “Player One” version actually be dressed as.
So, I thought about how I always wanted to be a Power Ranger as a kid, and then it popped in my head. Tommy Oliver’s character would fit right in and then the rest is history.
Since we’re on the subject of the Power Rangers, what’s next for your series of Ranger Raps?
Well, I am going to create more Power Ranger themed songs in the future. You will just have to wait and see.
We’d be foolish not to address the gold elephant in the room. You’ve actually acquired a left-handed Power Glove! Tell us why this unique item is personally and professionally important to you.
Well just like in any story I like to bring my ideas to life, and [that’s] the left-handed Power Glove. It’s important to me because it makes the story I tell more of a tangible experience. Not only for me but for my fans as well. Especially left-handed gamers.
On the glove I made it golden to represent an old relic feel. Like it’s the prototype of the Power Glove. I also put a Power Ranger morpher on the glove to transform into the Player One character, but [it’s] also a play on words of Power Ranger, Power Glove.
Also, I use the original NES-style controller instead of an identical Power Glove button [arrangement] because I wanted it to look like this came first.
Will you be adding any additional items to this very cool ensemble?
That’s the magical thing! You will just have to wait and see.
Player One, The Allspark, and Test Drive is, thus far, an outstanding series of concept albums. We commend you for your dedication to telling a story with such thought-out continuity. What can you tell us about the final chapter, Gerald’s Field.
All I can say is that it’s going to be filled with nothing but Nostalgia and great songs.
I guess we’ll just have to wait and see! Okay, Mark, is it important to you to be a hero, to be an important person of influence and inspiration to your community and the artists who look up to you?
It’s extremely important!
The reason being is that when you are an artist, you are using an artform that is very impactful to the listener. Not everyone is the same. Believe it or not, people have their own paths in life and not everyone has the typical “born in a dangerous environment” lifestyle.
There are people who are bullied, discriminated against due to sexual orientation, or even cosplay-shamed at conventions.
So, if I can provide a voice for those who have trouble reaching out, I will and continue being that hero.
One last thing, for those undecided admirers and community members who may be reading this, explain the importance of exercising their power, their right to vote.
Voting is a must at any cost. Your opinion matters and as an American citizen I exercise my right to vote. |THIS.
[By Mr. Joe Walker]