Watch Party: “Invisible Girl” by Morgan Reese [Directed by Kimber-Lee Alston]


Welcome! You’re the VIP at THIS New Music Video Watch Party!

Drinks and snacks provided by Griller Guy.

Tonight, we’re watching the video for “Invisible” by Pop singer Morgan Reese!

This single from her EP Letters from the Invisible Girl!. You can listen to more from her HERE.

We hope you enjoy watching the video and we thank you for coming to THIS New Music Video Watch Party! |THIS.

DISCLAIMER: This music video is being featured by because it is brimming with visual pleasure for your eyes and audio pleasure for your ears. Discretion is advised as it may contain content not suitable for all audiences. It does, however, contain content we find enjoyable. Decide how it makes you feel then share your thoughts with us and your friends and associates. THIS is awesome and THIS is for you!