It’s 2:26 a.m. on a ridiculously cold winter night in Muskegon, Michigan.

I’m snuggled up in a fetal position in my warm, soft California king bed. And even though this bed is large, I prefer to hug the edge of my side of the mattress. Multiple blankets cradle me, and the 600- thread-count pillowcase is comfy and inviting of my slobber. That’s right, I’m sleeping good!

Suddenly, I feel a very warm, soothing sensation near the lower half of my body, which quickly turns to feelings of terror and embarrassment. I jump straight up out of bed because I realize I’ve just peed in the bed!

I was enjoying one of those dreams when you have to pee really bad, so you run and as soon as you barely make it to the toilet, Niagara Falls is gushing out everywhere; pee goes in the toilet, on the toilet seat, and down your leg.

Well, the moment I felt Niagara Falls run down my leg I knew funeral arrangements were in order for my mattress. It had just suffered death by drowning. I woke up and realized that not only have I drenched my side of the bed, but I’ve also peed on my husband and the pajamas that he has on!

Talk about wet dreams, huh?

Ok, so what; I’m 26 years old and I peed in the bed. I literally had a really wet dream. But did I let my dream stop me from being great that day? Nope, I utilized the opportunity to take a lesson from the school of humor. I decided to use it as a teaching moment to laugh and learn.

So, I quietly jumped out of bed, changed my clothes, and crept back into bed. I find a very small dry spot to lie in while I quietly giggle in anticipation of my husband waking up to think that he is the one who peed in the bed.

And just as I suspect, he jumped up like a deer crashing through a windshield, and believed, especially after I adamantly deny my pee of all guilt, that he was indeed the pissy one!

The foolery was short lived because he soon realized that he had been punked. We still laugh about this 14 years later. Yep, our mattress went to mattress heaven, but we gained lessons and a great memory from my wet dream. Even though it was super embarrassing, I chose to focus on the takeaways.

Pay attention to your feelings, thoughts, ideas, intuition, and those gut urges you have while dreaming and immediately following the dreams when you wake up.

What’s the word being spoken to you? Don’t let embarrassment keep you from receiving what God is trying to tell/teach you. Sometimes dreams are wet, scary, funny, completely ridiculous, and hard to make sense of.

My point is, make sure you inherit the value within it. We may not understand now, but some time down the road, we gain an understanding of what it means. We may be able to recycle the teaching to help spread joy, laughter, insight, and empowerment to others.

Not every teaching moment or story to be told needs to have an extravagant backdrop or storyline. It won’t always be prim and proper, but hey, it’s the truth. And when you can assert raw and real to connect with people, that’s when you impact them.

Who would’ve thunk it, that my wet dream would yield so many lessons and introduce me to so many people?! |THIS.

[By Keisha Crawford]