What’s Your Laugh I.D. [Written by Keisha Crawford]


What kind of laugh do you have? I call it your “Laugh I.D.”

Do you snort, screech, cry, or pee when you laugh? Or do you try to hold it in because life’s too serious to laugh?

When was the last time you laughed, like for real? When’s the last time you laughed until your stomach and jaws hurt and you couldn’t breathe?

As torturous and awful as stomach and jaw pain, and being unable to breathe are, you gotta admit that it’s pure joy when you’re laughing that hard at something!

And if you’re honest, a lot of these laughs can come from laughing at yourself.

Admit it, we do some pretty dumb, goofy things. We have our phones in our hands while at the same time panicking, looking for our phone because we can’t remember where it is. We trip and fall over air. We wear two different shoes to work because we got dressed in the dark and rushed out of the house.

We’re pretty funny human beings. Key words: HUMAN and FUNNY.

Don’t take life so serious all the time. It’s ok if we laugh at ourselves. And if someone laughs at you? So what! You’re already laughing at yourself so what harm can their laugh do to you?

Stressing over silly moments takes way too much energy and thought, so why not use that energy burning calories and feeling good from laughing? Besides, we look far more attractive laughing versus frowning.

Laughter is free but undervalued and underutilized by most. It’s like a superfood; it’s good for us, but we don’t want to get it because it’s too healthy. It has a different taste.

It’s true, most of us are used to the taste of bitterness, anger, sadness, exhaustion, boredom, and many other flavors that taste opposite of the sweet, ooey, gooey goodness that is laughter. But why is that? Is it because we don’t know the scientific, physical benefits that laughter provides for us?

Well, I guess this is your lucky day because I’m about to drop some laugh-facts on y’all!

1. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel good chemicals. Endorphins promote a sense of wellbeing and can relieve pain.

2. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and improves blood flow, which can help protect against heart disease.

3. Laughter eases anxiety and tension, leaving muscles relaxed up to 45 minutes later.

4. Laughter strengthens relationships and attracts others to us.

There’s a plethora of other benefits of laughter that you can check out in this article HERE

Laugh and laugh often. Laugh until you pee and fart. Heck, just laugh! Let’s take heed from the lyrics of rapper T. I.’s song “Big Things Poppin’ (Do It)”:

“Hey, hey, what you waitin for?

Do it, (you better) do it, (you better) do it

What you waitin’ for?

Now do it to the maximum, take it why you askin’em

Don’t listen to them suckers when they say you too irrational”

Like anything else, practice if you don’t know how. Practice laughing until you get the hang of it. Then, maybe you can start laughing with other people like friends and family. Before you know it, you’ll be a pro at it! You’ll be laughing for no reason. Please, just do it. Let me know how laughter taste and makes you feel. |THIS.

[By Keisha Crawford]

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