Willie The Kid answers THIS GOOD QUESTION: Why is attending college and getting a degree important?


Welcome to THIS edition of GOOD QUESTION, brought to you exclusively by THISent.com! I’m your host, “Word Heavyweight Champion” Mr. Joe Walker.

Throughout my illustrious career as an entertainment writer and journalist, I’ve been blessed with opportunities to speak with many notable and famous persons. One of those is acclaimed Hip Hop artist Willie The Kid!

During our conversation I asked Will THIS good question: Why is attending college and getting a degree important?

He answered, “A degree shows you’re teachable, trainable, learnable. It shows you’ve been through a formal process of being groomed.

Your grades may not have been that good, but the fact that you went and got your degree shows you were able to sit still for four years, or maybe longer, and complete your term.

Predicate to a system.

Follow a program.

Get on a regimen and follow [it].

It says a lot about your character, your ability to learn, your ability to reflect. That piece of paper says a lot to people around you.

The one thing I know about going to school is you should go there for yourself, first. Before a job, before your image to the world, before the opposite sex or sports.

For me, it changed my life.

An advisor, someone dear to my heart, told me while I was there if you come here and you leave the same person, you wasted your time and we didn’t do our jobs.” |THIS. [By Mr. Joe Walker]