YO! Wrestling: 10 Years of Championship Material


That last 10 years have been outstanding for me as a professional writer, managing editor, and wrestling fan!

Adopting the moniker “Word Heavyweight Champion”, I forced myself to live up to my own gold standards as I racked up accolades, memories, and valuable experiences, all while carrying various championship belts.

For years I carried the spinner version of the WWE title. It was an appropriate accessory as I put my own spin one interview and feature article after another. It was also a way for me to pay homage to John Cena for a career-changing conversation. And I’d have a lot more of those.

“The World Strongest Man” Mark Henry’s first real discussion about his post in-ring career was with me for Soul Train. I also interviewed R-Truth and Titus O’Neil; with each of them we discussed everything from dancing to parenting.

As I got further into the decade, I raised my work rate and skill. Looking back, I’m astonished I wrote and published over 2,000 articles – some great wrestling stories are found throughout that number. During that run I also gave birth to my now annual special feature series “Royal Rumble Countdown”.

With all sincerity, I wish you all nothing but blessings and good times in 2020. I hope your dreams come true while also seeing an abundance of great matches!

Happy New Year! |THIS

[Written by Mr. Joe Walker |Photo by Rigo Flores| Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]