John Cena answers THIS GOOD QUESTION: How much has your appearance contributed to your popularity?


It is a blessing when remarkable persons that we admire make time to speak with us. Those shared interviews are reflections of us both, that’s why it’s imperative that what we ask matters.

One of those persons we were blessed to speak with was entertainment icon and WWE legend John Cena!

During our conversation before his fist WWE title win at WrestleMania 21 we asked him this GOOD QUESTION: How much has your appearance contributed to your popularity?

He answered, “I think big time. I love wrestling. Don’t get me wrong, that is truly what I love so I’ma be here rain, shine, or snow. But I’m not too big on rolling around with another dude in spandex.

There is a place for that or whatever-whatever. This is not only a sport, but it’s sports entertainment. It’s sports with personality. This is my personality. This is me in the ring, this is what I do.

When people think of wrestling, they automatically stereotype it as a bunch of big dudes rolling around in tights. This is just my way of saying we’ve got everything else going on too.

This is the first time WWE has gone open arms into the field of hip hop. And I always tell people that I’m not the perfect ambassador for it, but at least they’re giving it a chance. If I can do something to just break that wall down… For so long the spandex and long hair have been trademarks of rock & roll.

People don’t realize it, but this is groundbreaking stuff. They’re being more open-minded about the way things are. For so long wrestlers looked like your 80’s glam rock & roll stars.” | THIS ENT

[By Mr. Joe Walker]