When we look back on 2022, we’ll remember a year that challenged our resourcefulness, emotions, unity, and finances. In the face of these obstacles, we learned the infinite value of togetherness. In THIS INTERVIEW we revisit the last 12 months from the perspective of actress Arlyn Broche.

Presence can’t be taught. Commanding attention on screen without saying a word is a special attribute, and it’s one that Arlyn can certainly claim. Having appeared on hit HBO series Ballers with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and acting legend Andy Garcia, her allure has proven to be undeniable. Arlyn auditioned and was handpicked by Dany Garcia for her role on NBC’s smash Young Rock.

Known for her own electrifying performances on Tyler Perry’s The Haves and the Have Nots, Arlyn charges ahead to a bright future in Hollywood.

Arlyn took time out of her busy schedule to share some of her thoughts with us, answering THIS questionnaire about her life in 2022 and what to expect from her in 2023. THIS is for YOU!

How would you summarize 2022?

The year I’ve faced the hardest challenges and had the most growth both personally and professionally. 

What was the best song, album, television show, movie, and podcast of the year?

Best song, “Take This Chance” by Anastacia.

Best album, Pa’lla Voy by Marc Anthony.

Best television show, NBC’s Young Rock.

Best movie, ELVIS.

Best podcast, On Purpose with Jay Shetty.

Did you read anything inspiring or influential that you would recommend to others?

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I have been listening to an app called Peptalk motivation. I recommend it.

What’s something you did to help someone in need, whether you knew them or not?

I don’t like to brag about how or when I help others. I will share something during one of my flights to Memphis to shoot Young Rock. I sat next to a woman that was having life issues and she shared her story, and I sat there and gave her my full attention. At the end of our conversation, she said she felt so good and that warmed my heart.

Recall for us the most surprising thing you heard all year.

The most recent surprising thing that I heard has to be the death of Kirstie Alley. I used to watch her on the show Cheers and movies such as Look Who’s Talking growing up. It was very sad news. Again, tomorrow is never promised. Live life to the fullest. 

How did you celebrate your birthday?

I was in Memphis, Tennessee shooting season 3 of Young Rock. I celebrated all week, went to dinner with friends and some of the cast and crew from the show. 

Why is it important to live every moment of your life to the fullest?

It’s funny; I was having this conversation in the car the other day with my youngest daughter Sophia, and she said, and I quote, “Mom, the phrase I live by is ‘live every moment to the fullest because tomorrow is never promised’.” She was right, I was floored.

Blows my mind that at her young age of 12 she thinks about those things. All we have is this very moment so why not experience it to the fullest. It takes a lot of self-awareness to be fully present at all times. It’s important to work on that and cultivate it.

Were you able to achieve the goals you set?

I’m not one to make New Year’s resolutions, my goals are set constantly throughout the year – big and small. I’m a big believer that whether I succeed or fail at a goal I set, the most important thing is progress. Even failing is progress because it teaches me what I’m doing wrong. Let’s fail forward! 

This year I challenged myself to lose weight – shed over 15lbs, even though I gained some of it back. 

Which of your blessings would you say was the biggest?

My children are my biggest blessing. Also, the genuine relationships that I have developed and who have supported me immensely this past year.

Tell us how you evolved over the last 12 months.

This past year has been a definitive closing of a big part of my personal life. After 20 years, I feel that I’m learning what it is to be on my own, to find my own footing. I’m still going. This has been a year of growing pains – bucket list experiences, trials, tribulations, laughter, and tears but, overall major growth. I’m transitioning into a different person.  

Did you experience a defining moment?

This year has been one defining moment after another. I have been challenged in ways I never knew I could be. I realized there is no manual or book to life and how to deal with hard situations. Biggest lesson has been to surrender to the moment and don’t focus on what I can’t control, remain solution focused. 

What can we expect from you in 2023?

You can expect a stronger, more improved version of Arlyn Broche. My intention is to give the best of me in 2023. | THIS ENT

[By Mr. Joe Walker | Photos by Xavier Lerma Photography]