We’ll remember 2021 as a year of triumphs and tragedies, wins and losses, and unifying optimism and aggravated division. In THIS INTERVIEW we revisit the last 12 months from the perspective of author, host, and poet Alexis Rosado.

The CEO of Vision Success Marketing & Consulting, the Chicago born Lansing, Michigan resident is positively impacting through her many platforms including interview series VOICES, live open mic series The Mic Drop, podcast Relationship Reflections, and her book The Mountain Climber.

Rosado shared some of her thoughts with us by answering THIS questionnaire about her life in 2021 and what to expect from her in 2022.

How would you summarize 2021?

2021 was a year of spiritual, emotional, and relational health. I had to learn to let go of things I couldn’t control and fight to be the woman I wanted to be.  After a lot of work, this is the first year I can say I like the girl I am, genuinely. 

Did you read anything inspiring or influential that you would recommend to others?

Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist 

Self-Love Poetry by Melody Godfred

What was the best song of the year?

“Jireh” by Maverick City Music, “Viberite” by Ozay Moore, Tall Black Guy and Kumbaya, and “Not Gon’ Do” by Andy Mineo featuring Joseph Soloman.

What were the movies or television shows that you couldn’t stop watching?

Believe it or not I don’t watch TV. I read, write, and listen to music and podcasts. But I did watch season 2 of SELENA on Netflix because I admire Selena.

Who or what entertained you the most?

Peter Reeves from Mount Hope Church is someone I listened to very closely last year as well. Mel Robbins is a motivational speaker that I listened to religiously last year. And I’m proud to say I was on the top 1% of listeners on Spotify for Andy Mineo. 

What was your favorite social media post – by you or someone you follow?

Favorite social media post … 

“The more you chase approval, the more your corrupt authenticity” by Brendon Burchard.

Tell us the most surprising thing you heard or saw all year.

I was shocked I lost a loved one to Covid. It’s like one day I was talking to my cousin giving advice, the next minute my uncle was in the hospital and then 48 hours later he was gone. 

On a less serious note, I was shocked when some of my favorite celebrity couples broke up; J-Lo and A-Rod, Devon Franklin and Meghan Good, even some of y’all Lansing people!

How did you evolve over the last 12 months?

Transformation isn’t supposed to feel good. The best way I can explain this is with an analogy. You shed layers that don’t belong, but what’s left is the most authentic you. I’ve shed a lot of things and am learning to love and accept what’s me and what’s not. 

Part of the evolution has meant creating content that’s me, so I launched a podcast called “Relationship Reflections”. Listeners from around the world listen, which is super cool. Part of being me is releasing YouTube videos, devotionals. 

In what way has the pandemic affected your outlook on life?

Tomorrow is not promised. Love God, love yourself, and love others. Stop apologizing and start celebrating yourself and others.

So how am I living?

I’m living more honestly, not only outwardly but inwardly. A big question I had to keep asking myself was, “Are you going after your real dreams or are you working on ‘Dream B’ because you are too afraid to go after your deepest desire?”

Also, most of life is “in process” so if I keep living my life to arrive somewhere I may never be fulfilled. 

How can I enjoy the process?

This year I’m living with a slowed down more intentional pace. 

Which of your blessings would you say was the biggest?

My life and my family’s lives. I don’t take any breath for granted. I got Covid and I was very afraid, especially after losing an uncle to it.

Did you experience a defining moment?

As minimal as it sounds, I had a lot of forgiveness conversations and I’m grateful for them. Those were defining moments. One included forgiving my mom, so I created a video for her for Christmas and it was really impactful for our entire family. 

What can we expect from you in 2022?

I’m launching two brands, “LovingwithLexi” and “BRAVE SPACE”. I’m also working on a poetry album titled Spiritual Warfare and a book, Is God Chasing Me.

I turn 30 in April so I’m trying to complete dreams I started. |THIS ENT

[By Mr. Joe Walker]