Last year was incredible for acclaimed hip-hop artist and producer Big Lo, and we’re excited for what he has in store here in 2020. The super-creative Florida native took time out his busy schedule to answer THIS questionnaire about his previous 12 months and what to expect from him in the months ahead.

THIS: How would you summarize 2019?

Big Lo: 2019 [was] a busy year, but also a year of learning, projecting love and trying to better protect my energy.

THIS: What was your favorite song of ‘19?

Big Lo: “Sunday School” feat Benny the Butcher, 38 Spesh and Jadakiss. Spesh’s verse [was] my favorite verse of the year.

THIS: What was your favorite movie?

Big Lo: I didn’t get to the theatre much. And being a dad, I’d probably have to go with ‘Toy Story 4.’

THIS: What’s the television show you couldn’t stop watching?

Big Lo: I enjoyed the newest season of ‘Stranger Things’, but I finally got the time to watch ‘Westworld’ and that may be one of my favorite series I’ve watched in recent memory.

THIS: What album got the most play?

Big Lo: Gus Dapperton’s ‘Where Polly People Go to Read’ and the new Griselda joint [got] the most play.

THIS: What did you Google the most?

Big Lo: Directions. I’m always on the road, so finding my venue, hotels, places to eat.

THIS: What was the most shocking thing you heard all last year?

Big Lo: Honestly, I feel with everything going on politically and socially I’ve become desensitized to an extent. That said, we had a mass shooting at the Naval base here. It’s sad, shocking, and just weird. There’s 16 thousand troops here. How does someone pull that off?

THIS: Tell us how you evolved over the last 12 months.

Big Lo: I earnestly stopped worrying or policing how others decide to present their art. It’s really helped me develop my own art when you stop worrying about others. It’s a giant weight off my shoulders.

THIS: What was your biggest blessing last year?

Big Lo: Just watching my daughter grow. She’s only 5 but had a breakthrough and is reading now. It’s so important to me because once you’re reading the entire universe of learning opens up.

THIS: How do you teach someone to have better respect for the value of time?

Big Lo: I’m not sure it’s something you can teach. I think a lot of it comes with age and experience. I guess the main thing I could say is realizing it’s finite and then you’ll respect it more.

THIS: What can we expect from you here in 2020?

Big Lo: A lot more touring. I’m doing much more visually with videos, etc., and most of all finishing up my ‘Spaceboi’ album. |THIS

[Written by Mr. Joe Walker | Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]