Success for Andre Murphy is more than just him being CEO of The Live Group, LLC and founder of Growing Black Wealth. It’s helping people around him grow to accomplish tremendous personal and professional achievements. An influential conversationalist with an eye for prosperous business ventures, the New Jersey native both leads and sets examples.

Murphy also knows his way around the kitchen as well as the boardroom. His signature dish, Murphy’s Chicken N Potatoes, is a noted favorite that he’s currently giving away to hundreds of people for free. Possessing a charitable heart, he and his team have embarked on a Community Feeding Tour to serve his dish to the less fortunate and those hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Andre Murphy took time out his busy schedule to answer our “2020 Twenty Questions” questionnaire! We hope THIS INTERVIEW entertains and inspires you.

On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy are you to be alive?


As a child what did you want to be when you grew up?

A dad able to be there for my kids.

I never had a father or a father-figure, so to be able to be present at birthdays, doctor appointments, schools, and plays… It’s amazing.

What was your favorite cartoon?

Road Runner.

Tell us your favorite song as a kid, as a teenager, and now as an adult.

“Freak Out” by Chic.

“King Of Rock” by Run DMC.

“Jesus Walks” by Kanye West.

What’s an album that means more to you now than it did when you first heard it?

Mama Said Knock You Out by LL Cool J.

What are your 3 favorite movies?

Harlem Nights, Coming 2 America, and Black Panther.

What’s the last film that made you cry or almost cry, and what scene did it?


What’s your all-time favorite TV show?

The Jeffersons.

Which character on that show do you identify with most?

George Jefferson. He will tell you like it is, like myself.

What makes you laugh out loud or smile uncontrollably every time you see it or hear it?

Seeing my Mom’s face, who I cherish and miss so much.

Who in your family served you the most delicious, unforgettable dish you’ve ever eaten?

My Mom. Spanish rice and beef.

Tell us the most nutritious thing you’ve fed your mind.

Innovation. How we can elevate ourselves with new inventions that can grow our communities.

When did you start to understand your value?

About 4 years ago when I decided to launch my corporate firm.

Who is the G.O.A.T. of your profession?

Benjamin Banneker, hands down, because he was largely self-taught like myself.

Do you aspire to be like them or more like someone you have a stronger personal connection to?

In my younger years I would aspire to be like him. Now, I have a stronger connection with my Bishop.

Recall for us the first time you failed. What lesson did you learn from that?

It took me a long time to get back on a bike once I had a hard fall. So, at age 10, I decided to endure the scrapes and bruises, and learned then.

In what way have you evolved over the last 12 months?

Since I turned 50 last year, I decided to give more and encourage others near me to do the same.

When was a time that someone you didn’t know did something nice for you? What did they do?

I’ve had total strangers step up for this cause I’m currently working on, my Community Feeding Tour, and donating money and their time.

How would you explain to someone the importance of valuing their time?

First getting them to understand themselves and their craft, and how to utilize it.

What’s been the biggest blessing of your life?

My wife. |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker and Alex aka Grand Kai]