THIS INTERVIEW is Special: Nat Spinz answers our “2020 Twenty Questions” Questionnaire


No matter where you are and what else is going on, when Nat Spinz arrives with hula hoops and flaming batons you’re going to stop and watch. A captivating entertainer, Nat is performance artist with a specialty in LED hoop dancing and fire spinning. Also 1/3 of flow arts group Flames ‘N Dames, the awe-inspiring trio’s heated act is accustomed to warm receptions.

Possessing a genuine love for her Lansing, MI community, Nat proudly teaches her gift through her one-on-one, community, and private Hula Hoop Dancing Classes.

Nat Spinz took time out her busy schedule to answer our “2020 Twenty Questions” questionnaire! We hope THIS INTERVIEW entertains and inspires you.

On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy are you to be alive?

I am extremely happy to be alive! 10 out of 10!

As a child what did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was a child, I wanted to be a wildlife photographer on National Geographic.

I used to get National Geographic magazines every month as a kid, and I always thought it would be so cool to be close to wild animals and capture moments with them.

What was your favorite cartoon?

As a kid, my favorite cartoon was Animaniacs. As an adult, I enjoy watching Family Guy or Simpsons.

Tell us your favorite song as a kid, as a teenager, and now as an adult.

Kid: “Scream” by Michael Jackson ft. Janet Jackson.

Teen: “Superman” by Three Doors Down

Adult: ‘Happy” by Pharrell Williams

What’s an album that means more to you now than it did when you first heard it?

I would say any Beatles Album. Specifically, Sgt. Pepper.

When I was a kid, I could not stand The Beatles music, which is insane! I didn’t really start getting into the Beatles until I was about 30, and now I could listen to them all day.

What are your 3 favorite movies?

My three favorite movies are Practical Magic, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, and The Exorcist.

What’s the last film that made you cry or almost cry, and what scene did it?

I recently watched the movie Queen & Slim on Netflix and I cried like a baby. I don’t want to spoil the movie for anyone, but it struck a chord. I highly recommend it.

The movie covered something we see a lot in the media about unwarranted stops on POC and police brutality.

What’s your all-time favorite TV show?

My all-time favorite TV show… Hmm… That’s tough! It’s between The Office and Dexter.

Which character on that show do you identify with most?

From The Office I’d say if Jim and Dwight had a love child, that would be me!

What makes you laugh out loud or smile uncontrollably every time you see it or hear it?

When I hear my kids playing in another room, cracking each other up. That sound always makes me smile and laugh uncontrollably.

Who in your family served you the most delicious, unforgettable dish you’ve ever eaten?

My best friend, who is basically my sister, is a QWAIN in the kitchen! One of my favorite things she’s ever made for me was Cracked Chicken…because it’s like crack. You keep coming back for more!

Tell us the most nutritious thing you’ve fed your mind.

The most nutritious thing I’ve ever fed my mind has been educating myself on mental health topics and reducing the stigma around that. I think that earlier generations had more of a “tough it out” kind of approach to mental health.

These days, getting help and educating yourself is more easily accessible and I highly recommend it to everyone.

When did you start to understand your value?

Unfortunately, I didn’t start to realize I had value until my late 20’s. I came from a rough childhood background.

In my late 20’s I struggled with anxiety and depression and I began my journey to healing, which is how I found hoop dancing!

Who is the G.O.A.T. of your profession?

I had to Google what that meant! I would say that Grace Good is the GOAT of my profession.

She gets to travel the world performing and goes well beyond just hula hoops. She is an extraordinary person.

Do you aspire to be like them or more like someone you have a stronger personal connection to?

I aspire to get to the point where I can travel and perform, much like Grace Good. The person I admire and have a strong personal connection to is Michelle Obama. I love that she is empathetic, an excellent role model for young women, and those arms!! Love her!

I hope that I can be a role model or an inspiration to others to pursue their dreams and live an authentic life.

Recall for us the first time you failed. What lesson did you learn from that?

I’ll be honest with you. I failed a lot and struggled in school. It got to the point where I had given up. I stopped trying in fear of failure.

As I got older, I realized that when you don’t try at all, you’re already failing. It became more important to me to attempt to attain my goals with the risk of failure then to sit stagnant and never know.

In what way have you evolved over the last 12 months?

Despite how horrible 2020 has been on a global scale, I feel as though I’ve made the most growth as an individual than perhaps any other year. Due to the required isolation, I had time to sit down and write, meditate, and do some soul-searching.

This is also the first year that I’ve really allowed myself to stand in my truth in my personal life, as well as my life as a performer and business owner. To my surprise, my authenticity has been received with much support in the Lansing and surrounding areas.

When was a time that someone you didn’t know did something nice for you? What did they do?

There have been so many times that strangers have shown kindness. One time in particular that stands out was when I was a teenager.

I was not driving yet, and was walking across a huge parking lot during an ice storm. An old lady pulled up next to me and offered to drive me to where I needed to go to get me out of the cold. It was extremely kind.

How would you explain to someone the importance of valuing their time?

Ugh! This is such a big struggle for me! These days we have so many distractions from actual interaction. Mostly technology, even more so social media. If you can make it a point to limit your screen time every day, you’d be surprised at how much you can accomplish.

What’s been the biggest blessing of your life?

The biggest blessing of my life are my children! When I found out I was pregnant the first time, I didn’t think I was ready. I was so scared. But we have all grown so much and I am so proud of the young women they are growing up to be. I got lucky. |THIS.

[By Mr. Joe Walker and Alex aka Grand Kai]