In a player-controlled poll, Lansing Lightning’s #90 Delmar Kittle was voted as the PLAYER OF THE WEEK for the second time!

We sat down with 2-time POTW Delmar to get to know him even better while, once again, celebrating his contributions to the team.

What do you think is the difference between you and your Lansing Lightning teammates and all the other teams in the league?

I think we are closer, meaning we have a deeper bond between our guys. I trust every one of us on and off the field. We hang out at [Coach Frechen’s house] every week, win or lose, and it helps us communicate our feelings. We’re learning about one and another.

If you could go back in time and change one thing about your football career, what would it be?

I would have played all my years in high school instead of playing for the Christian league. I switched for my junior year.

What player is your biggest inspiration?

Ray Lewis baybeeeee!

How are you going to prepare to face the same team next week?

First, I’d like to say recovery comes first before my game plan for next week. I’d like to get conditioned, so I’ll get some running in. My plan of attack is exactly the same, block the blocker makes the play. | THIS is for YOU!

[By Ross Michels | Photo by Kassie Prudden]