is excited to collaborate with highly regarded photographer Team Kaw-Boi to present Vol.2 of our series “Role Model”.

Too often models are mis-conceptualized as tawdry, self-absorbed, and superficial. They’re booked for shoots and judged by their covers. Fashion and style photography is certainly an art, and the models who pose for vibrant stills are artists. They’re admired for who they are on and off camera.

In THIS INTERVIEW with stylist and fashion model Samantha Godbehere, she answers our questions about the modeling profession and the role that comes with it. THIS is for YOU!

What is the most exciting thing about modeling?

Networking! Getting to meet and work with different photographers and models.

In what way has your personal and professional life been affected by the photos you’ve taken?

Professionally, I think it was a positive affect because it just adds some pazazz.

Personally, it really hasn’t affected me. I’m 100% supported by my family and friends. I never deal with any negative comments.

Explain the benefits of a positive working relationship with a professional photographer.

If you keep it professional, you’ll keep getting professional results and work. 

For whatever reason, models tend to be targets of stereotypes and ridicule. Why do you think this keeps happening and how can it be stopped?

I personally believe that some people just enjoy hurting other people. You have to give them some sort of empathy because someone along their life hurt them to the point hurting others is their only form of self-love. And you have to refrain yourself from being just like them.

Hurt people hurt people, so the best thing you can do is practice self-love so you can give love. 

What makes you a positive role model for people of all ages?

I’m a positive role model because I’m a hard worker who still has time to be there for the people I love and still make time to do what I love – modeling and dancing.

Where I came from girls like me didn’t get out of the doorway from their hometown. I’ve been thankful enough to travel and see some awesome things while all on my own. So that just goes to show it’s possible to do whatever you want!

Explain to us why it’s important for young people to see women and men portrayed in a respectable manner.

It’s important because kids remember a lot. The younger generations mimic what we do. You always hear kids say, I want to be like (so-and-so) when I grow up.

Tell us about your role models. Who is someone you consider to be an honorable example and a fine representative of humanity?

My role model was my grandmother. She was the most thoughtful, caring woman I had in my life. Any sort of problem I had she was there with an answer. I felt like she was the smartest person I knew.

She had so much love to give. She fostered over 100 kids and adopted 12 on top of her own. I always admired her drive to help others.

What effect did your mother and father have on the way you feel about how women, men, boys, and girls should conduct themselves?

My parents were encouraging for my sisters and I to be our own person and to conduct ourselves with how people treated us. Treat others how you want to be treated but don’t take no sh*t. Both my parents encouraged us to be confident, independent women. | THIS ENT

[Written by Mr. Joe Walker | Photos by Team Kaw-Boi]

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