Please enjoy THIS interview with Tim Mayer aka TJM, the winner of Classic Groupe’s Tekken 7 tournament “Fight Night: Round 2” which took place on April 17, 2019 at Lansing Public Media Center in Lansing, MI during 2019 Capital City Film Festival! On that night TJM became the “Fight Night: Round 2” Champion.

THIS: Tim Mayer, you’re the “Fight Night Round 2” Champion. How did you find out about the tournament?

TJM: I found out about it from Grand Kai of Grand Kai Gaming. We actually play in a Tekken group together. He plugged it in the group, and he’s cool.

THIS: What does it feel like to hold that championship belt over your shoulder?

TJM: It feels great! This is my first one. I might need to start boxing or something to get more of these!

THIS: From what we understand it’s unique to see an item like a championship belt at a gaming tournament. You’ve seen the major tournaments; how many of them award championship belts?

TJM: Most majors have a trophy or a little medal. And there’s one that does some cool pro wrestling stuff, but this is great. I’ve never seen nothing like this. It’s awesome.

THIS: “Fight Night” has such a big-fight-feel. What did you think of the set when you walked into Lansing Public Media Center?

TJM: Oh, man, the set was amazing! The only other places I’ve seen at set like that is at major, huge tournaments! When I saw that I got excited right away. I was happy to be there.

THIS: Were you nervous?

TJM: When you’re playing in front of a bunch of people on a stage it’s only natural to be a little bit nervous. Once you start playing and get in your bag a little bit it goes away.

THIS: You’ve played in other tournaments. How confident were you going into “Fight Night”?

TJM: It’s always tough because Tekken is a game where you can lose really fast if you’re not ready and you’re not careful. Against people I don’t know, I like to play it cautious in the beginning. I kind of feel it out a lot. From there, it’s all up in the air.

THIS: Can we expect you to show up at [a future “Fight Night”] to defend your title?

TJM: I will definitely be back! I live in Kalamazoo [MI] right now but Lansing is my hometown. I love coming back to defend my home turf. |THIS

[Written by Mr. Joe Walker | Follow THIS on Twitter @THISENT1]